Angry Rodger Olson Bullies Clay Commissioner

Editorials Feature Funding Project Costs
Rodger Olson
Rodger Olson – Cass County Joint Water Resource District

“Beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

There are a lot of meetings and going’s on behind the scenes of the Fargo Dam and FM Diversion project.

On April 9th, in an unseemly exchange during the Land Management Meeting, the typical “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” zealots tried to intimidate Clay County Commissioner Jenny Mongeau.

Previously, during the March 17th, 2015 Diversion Assessment meeting Rodger Olson implied that he’s just a regular guy, willing to roll up his sleeves, get some dirt under his nails and work for a days pay.

Perhaps it’s just a feeble attempt at misdirection in hopes of duping some unwitting souls into believing that he does not have that stank [Read more] of Fargo/Cass imperialism on his breath…, or not?

Afterall, who wouldn’t trust a “salt of the earth farmer type” in a poorly fitted sport coat…?

Listen to this clip:

March 17th, 2015 Harwood, ND Community Center
Rodger Olsen:
“Y’know I feel a lot more comfortable driving my combine or my tractor…, than standing up here and.., uhh…, giving this presentation.”


So what would prompt a “regular guy” to badger and disrespect Clay county’s newest commissioner in an accusatory manner over the BRRWD – Buffalo Red River Watershed District’s decision to table the FY2015 until after the Minnesota DNR has completed its EIS (Environmental Impact Statement)?

In a January 2015 Buffalo Red meeting, Diversion proponents failed to get the Diversion Authority’s budget to pass. Thereafter, Diversion Authority officials repeatedly contacted BRRWD members and pressured them to reconsider. The pressure included veiled threats and claims of conflict of interest. Diversion Authority leaders seem to believe being benefited by the diversion creates no conflict of interest, but being negatively impacted does.

So the Fargo Diversion Authority is pouting, they didn’t get their way and like immature children they can’t understand the concept of “NO” or “be patient”. Despite trotting 11 members and representatives out to another BRRWD meeting to “help” the watershed manager “better understand the project”, the exchange that took place on April 9th is a head-scratcher…

Listen to the exchange and read the transcript:

April 9th, 2015 | Land Management Meeting
Pat Zavoral:
Fargo City Administrator
“…but we shouldn’t move ahead for two reason though…, an,an, and another reason is the lawsuit I mean we’ve gotta, we’ve gotta wait…, we’ve gotta wait and and see what the judge is gonna say on some of those and we’ve been forwarned quite a bit on that so…, that, that’s been the suggestion here that we wait on activity that would suggest something in terms of that”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“and I don’t, I don’t think, going back to Brian’s point the hardship committee is not gonna go away if we wait…,”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…a little bit…, I mean, and I realize there are some very painful issues but I think we need to follow the process and do this correctly I mean…, the lawsuit is…, is near, the, the decision on that and even…, not going forward on, on the hardship case until at least you have your meeting this afternoon and more can be developed…”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
“…and so I think that’s our direction, it’s, it’s not yes or no it’s… it’s…”
Pat Zavoral:
Fargo City Administrator
“…the only problem is what, what, what Brian said though I mean it’s…, when you get to a hardship and you got a medical situation…, I mean…, we’re being pretty cruel, I mean…, and we’ve talked about that for a long time about…, just exactly…, y’know the family conditions that, that…, that precipitated the request…, and it the the the, state boundaries shouldn’t, we shouldn’t worry about that…, but, but we’re put in sort of an untennable position…”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
“…[unintellegible] Roger…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…well, I would like to ask Jenny, commissioner Jenny if she would be willing to go…, to the hardship case and explain the situation…, of why it’s gonna stop…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…you want want me to go do that? [interrupted]…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…and and and if you would you would…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…how about I go to the landowners of the 30,000 acres in Minnesota that are gonna have those issues or how about all the families with the cemeteries that are gonna have inundations…, you can come with me and do that…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…no…, I’m asking you a specific question…, would you be willing…, to go and stop the hardship procedure…, or the, or the policy with this…, couple or gentleman…, that’s asking for relief from a hardship…, would you be willing to sure I’ll go along with you because I wanna listen to what you’re gonna tell’em…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…okay well I, [interrupted by Rodger Olsen]…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…and and I, I would come along…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…we’re all getting mixed signals and direction…, and if I have to say that we have to wait until we can make sure to know where it’s gonna be…, then I will have to do that…, and that’s, votes have consequences…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…well then…, you heard that, I mean she will carry that message to them…, and think that’s…”
Brian Berg:
Clay County Administrator
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…if you want me to be the martyr on this issue that’s fine…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…no, I’m not asking you to be the martyr…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…it seems like you just directed it that way…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…no, that’s not what I meant…”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
“…I, I think…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…we, y’know I’ll stand here and, and…, y’know…, some of us passed this budget…, to take care of cases like that…, some of us did…, I, I would like to ask you did you stand up and put any negative pressure…, on…, the water board members at that meeting…, did you tell them they better not pass it?”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…no, I never said they better not pass it, and in fact…, when the letter came to the Clay County commission to give support…, pressure to pass it…, I said, these individuals are competent people that have been appointed to this board and they can make a decision…”
Rodger Olsen:
…so…, no negative comments by you?”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…no, I never said a negative comment…”
Rodger Olsen:
“…or encouraged them not to…, pass it…”
Jenny Mongeau:
Clay County Commissioner
“…did I ever say don’t pass this?…, I said…, what I had heard…, I don’t believe that was any negative con…context…”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
“…okay, uhh…, the message is…, we’re putting it on hold here at the moment…, ummm…, second item, uhh…, just kind of an FYI…, that ummm…, Rocky and I are meeting Monday with…, a farmer on the Minnesota side…, because we had started a process quite some time ago actually…, a couple years ago…, (clears throat) with an organic farmer who is interested in, again this is considered an opportunistic purchase…, we are making no committments under the circumstance to him, but, uhh…., we had gone through at least the process to get us through an appraisal…, of his land…, and…, he has asked us how come I’m not hearing from you…, we are gonna meet with him…, to talk about this.., but again…, the explanation to him will come with thee a notion that…, that we are in a position that…, it’s gonna have to be…, held…, whether he want to move ahead or not…, the third thing you need to be aware of and this happened yesterday at the finance com…committee meeting…, is that the finance committee voted to…, pend…, any…, decision with regard to the Buffalo Red…, retention…, monies…, we had, as you know, turned that to…, over to the technical committee to take a look at it, they did, they felt the request was appropriate…, ummm…, in terms of the funding and and so forth but again…, we’re in this predicament of ummm…, a situation that…, basically ties our hands…, so it’s not a yes, it’s not a no…, it’s pended…

Anything else…?

Uhh…, the next meeting is May…, 14th…?

Do I have a motion to adjourn?”

Rodger Olsen:
“So moved”
Darrell Vanyo:
Fargo Diversion Authority
“…thank you Rodger…”
Unknown: (giggles)


Let’s give Rodger Olson the benefit of the doubt and see if he is truly a regular “salt of the earth” guy and have him answer a few questions pertinent to the matter at hand.

Questions for Roger:

1. Rodger, the FM Diversion Authority recently gave $10,500,000.00 to the Oxbow Country Club for a new club house. Why would you favor a private golf course with 10 million dollars but ignore a single hardship buyout in Minnesota? What plausible rationale can justify $10.499 million dollar payout to a rich private golf course but then use a single Minnesota hardship case to try to pressure the Buffalo-Red Water District Managers?

2. Rodger, how many members of your organization, the FM Diversion Authority, or people acting on behalf of your organization, have called Mark Anderson to try to pressure him to change his vote?

3. Rodger, you and your fellow Fargo Diversion Authority members have promoted the FM Diversion as necessary as it would give the FM Metro the ability to defend a flood of 46 feet. Consequently, your stated purpose benefits Gerald Van Amburg and Breanna L. Kobiela, Moorhead residents. Should these two persons recuse themselves from voting on the FM Diversion budget as they clearly have a conflict of interest?

4. Rodger, will you travel to the one proposed hardship buyout and explain to them that you and your fellow FM Diversion Authority leaders, have already paid $400,000.00 to a private golf course consultant, Robert Trent Jones, and expect to pay another $300,000.00? Will you explain to him that this is clearly more important to the Diversion Authority than any Minnesota hardship buyout?

Just in case you were wondering…

noun \ˈstaŋk\
Definition of STANK

1: dial British
a : pond, pool
b : a ditch containing water

2: British : a small dam : weir

Views: 174

2 thoughts on “Angry Rodger Olson Bullies Clay Commissioner

  1. Roger’s voice fairly drips with contempt. I question whether he would have been so obviously disrespectful had he been talking to Mr. Clay County Commissioner instead of a Ms. Clay County Commissioner.

  2. Thank you for this information. .I agree, why go ahead with Oxbow…It’s obvious that that the old saying, position is 90 %….The management and adasity the movement is power and adult bullying. ….It is sick that the lack of vision as caused this continued aggressive stupidity in lesdership…

    The future looks bleak even if the Fargo Canal is built, the cooperation on other issues will haunt Fargo for decades…

    Grow up boys..
    David Sola

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