USACE Releases Oxbow Hickson Bakke (OHB) Levee Wind Wave Analysis Report

Feature Flood Impacts OHB - Oxbow Hickson Bakke USACE

Fargo Diversion Authority Wind Wave Report on Oxbow Hickson Bakke (OHB) Ring Dike Levee

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released Oxbow‐Hickson‐Bakke (OHB) Levee Wind‐Wave Analysis Report.

The report assumptions include potential conditions exerted upon the Oxbow‐Hickson‐Bakke (OHB) Ring-Dike Levee which will be located within a 150,000+ acre foot man-made reservoir caused by the proposed Fargo Dam and FM Diversion.

Residents of the communities of Bakke, Hickson and Oxbow, North Dakota could face several weeks of adverse conditions surrounded by a man-made lake which could exceed 50 square miles in size.

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2 thoughts on “USACE Releases Oxbow Hickson Bakke (OHB) Levee Wind Wave Analysis Report

  1. So its ok that water can splash over into the inside?

    Wow, I will sleep good knowing that.. and that several weeks of wave action wont break down the clay dikes????

    Sominex, take me a away.

  2. Just ask the good doctor if he would mind having a levee with water running over it in to his back yard.

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