Richland and Wilkin Counties Unanimously Form JPA

Feature Opposed | Opposition Richland Wilkin JPA

Richland and Wilkin Counties form Joint Powers Agreement

Fargo, Cass County and the USACE may have overplayed their misinform, divide and conquer hand.

On Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 – Richland and Wilkin commissioners unanimously approved the formation of a JPA (joint-powers agreement) that will utilize cooperative resources to “take any and all steps necessary” to protect respective county interests, residents and property owners.

The USACE, Cass County and Fargo will need to come to the table with previously excluded opponents and provide answers to defiencies and impacts evident in the current FEIS.

A tough pill to swallow for those that have routinely marginalized opponents with denigrating disregard:

Fargo Forums Editorial Board, September 26, 2011

“Opponents of the diversion groused that they were not
allowed a place at the table at the Washington meeting.
They had no place there. Why would diversion supporters
who are trying to get the project funded invite project
foes whose goal is to scuttle the project?
They were not invited for good cause.

The elite proponents that have attempted to manipulate public input now have to deal with the “real” down to earth people that have been procedurally excluded in Richland and Wilkin counties. Proponents have to discuss and positively address adverse impact issues or face the reality that the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion could be stopped dead in the water, until adverse impacts are resolved fairly and equitably.

The JPA will provide an opportunity for any local governing entity – such as cities, townships, school districts, coalitions, associations the ability to sign on to the agreement and work with commissioners in Wilkin and Richland counties to compel cooperation from the USACE, Fargo and Cass county in eliminating adverse impacts.

It appears that helping hands across the stateline river is providing a welcome relief and opportunity for residents and property owners to present concerns that have been previously dismissed.

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