Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority Face Rising Opposition

Opposed | Opposition Richland Wilkin JPA

Call it trite journalism or reckless propaganda, but Fargo’s local leading media outlets are overlooking a substantial legal entity mounting in Fargo’s intentionally targeted dumping ground for water.

Currently there are political entities in four counties crossing borders into two states that have joined the Richland Wilkin JPA. An agreement that exemplifies the opposition to Fargo’s unconstitutional land grab and poor city planning.

ND Governor Jack Dalrymple and MN Governor Mark Dayton may find themselves politically entrenched in justifying how and why they would condone an economic development project that ignores state constitutional rights and protections afforded to property owners that are being impacted by Fargo’s willful destruction of the last natural flood plain adjacent to Fargo to accommodate future growth plans.

Many hands make light work.

Members who have joined the Richland Wilkin county JPA include, but are not limited to the following political entities:

Alliance Township
Bakke Addition Home Assn
Brandenburg Township
City of Abercrombie
City of Breckenridge
City of Campbell
City of Christine
City of Colfax
City of Comstock
City of Mooreton
City of Kindred
City of Oxbow
City of Wolverton
Colfax Township
Dickey County
Eagle Township
Holy Cross Township
Kindred Public School
Maple River Township
Mooreton Township
Nansen Township
Normanna Township
Pleasant Township
Richland County
Richland 44 School District
Richland Co. Water Resource
SE County Commissioners
Sheyenne Township
Viking Township
Walcott Township
Waldo Township
Wilkin County
Wolverton Township

The goal of the entities listed above is to protect the citizens and properties of Richland and Wilkin Counties and to take any and all steps necessary as determined by the respective County Commission to oppose the planned construction of a Dam on the Wild Rice and Red River approximately four miles north of the boundaries separating Richland and Wilkin Counties with Cass and Clay Counties as proposed in the Fargo Metropolitan Area Flood and Risk Management Project.

Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority are proposing a project that will induce increased flooding south of the proposed dam, which would result in loss of tax revenues, loss of populations, uncompensated damage to public structures, right of ways and ditch systems, reduction in land values decreasing real estate taxes, elimination of government entities, reduction in school funding and enrollment within the boundaries of impacted governmental units.

Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority are counting on indemnification for their action by utilizing the USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers). However, that protection is eroding due to the increasing number of cases being brought against the USACE for negligence.

Perhaps Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority are just being disingenuous, but having a federally funding agency (USACE) choose sides against taxpaying Americans and threatening their lively-hoods is tantamount to being anti-American.

What freedom and justice can be found in assisted theft via compulsory land acquisition?

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