Joel Heitkamp, 790 KFGO had guests from the USACE on-air – May 18, 2016.
There is a saying: “The best way to lie is to tell the truth, carefully edited truth.”
Without question! Fargo, ND has to complete its long overdue internal flood protection to protect the city that exists.
1997 was a flood for the record books, and 2009 was another wake-up call to get permanent internal flood protection in place.
During the flood of 2009, mother nature defined with indelible clarity, where water naturally pools and where it wanted to go.
The greatest threat to Fargo and related FEMA flood insurance is development encroachment into the last natural flood plain upstream of Fargo.
After listening to the audio clip of Terry Williams, USACE – ask yourself the following six questions.
1) During the 1997 and 2009 floods, were there homes impacted by flood waters in and around areas where Bennett Elementary, Davies HS and Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney’s home were constructed.
2) Is it disingenuous to suggest that homes that existed in the 1997 and 2009 flood would be new impacts if a dam and diversion alignment north of the Wild Rice and Red River confluence is considered a viable alternative?
3) Is it disingenuous to suggest newly constructed homes in areas previously flooded, would become a new impact if a dam and diversion alignment north of the Wild Rice and Red River confluence is considered a viable alternative?
4) Why is development still occurring in the natural flood plain?
5) Where did that water go…, did it become an impact to others (ie: mandatory flood insurance)?
6) Why are the likes of Wayne Stenehjem (ND attorney General), Darrell Vanyo (Diversion Chair), Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney, Nancy Otto, Kevin Campbell, Rodger Olson, Ken Pawluk, Melissa Sobolik, Mike Williams, Mark Broadshog, Eric Dodds (AE2S), Gerald Van Amburg (BRRWRD), Jon Evert, April Walker, Bob Zimmerman, Keith Berndt, former Fargo Mayor Bruce Furness, Clay Dietrich (HBA), Craig Whitney (FMWF Chanmber), USACE, Cass County and Fargo so obsessed with talking points about a MYTHICAL FUTURISTIC flood and not about the Fargo’s land grab where it naturally floods?
You, as the reader, are an intelligent individual.
You be the judge…
Joel Heitkamp, 790 KFGO | “I just always believe instead of worrying about what you want it to have…, in terms of the city of Fargo as growth area, it could have went for… farther north, Fargo could have paid… a bigger price in terms of its growth area and Terry i’m gonna direct that to you, I, I haven’t heard from you yet today on this but…, y’know, if had gone further north you wouldn’t have had nearly as big a fight even with Minnesota it would strike me.” |
Terry Williams, USACE | “Well if you go further north, and we’ve talked about this before, you impact many more…, structures many more businesses, it costs more money and the length of dam is longer.” |

images courtesy of: and Google Earth

images courtesy of: and Google Earth

images courtesy of: and Google Earth
Views: 2811
What are you doing to prevent future flooding besides being constantly negative about what the majority of the population wants? It must be difficult to live with all the negativity.
There are 2 distinct components to your post and 2 assumptions that lack substance or credibility.
Component #1: “What are you doing to prevent future flooding”
Component #2: “…about what the majority of the population wants…”
The local governments should have apportioned their votes according to private and business ballots. The mere fact that Cass county cast their usurped votes before the ballot reached private owners is sufficient evidence that the Cass county commission is corrupt and does not represent their constituents.
The remainder of your posted comment is subjective and lacks substance and credibility. was formed as result of biased reporting practices of the Fargo Forum and the lack of responsiveness, transparency or any genuine dialogue with Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Authority (FMDA) leadership.
Setting all things aside, the proposed dam and diversion is not a foregone conclusion and is rife with over-reach.
You are more than welcome to reply, but before you do, please mull over the following three items.