When it comes to anything diversion related, Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney is simply incompetent.
If this offends you…, too bad. Mahoney, as Fargo’s mayor, is the punchline of a dull inside joke.
It really doesn’t matter that Mahoney likes to play dress-up in his spiffy yellow vest and hat – Mahoney’s grasp of water and flooding is about equal to that of a self centered 3 year old spilling their glass of milk on purpose – then pouting for juice.
He mumbles and speeds through talking points ad nauseam in a feeble attempt to look like the “important guy” in charge with all the answers.
At best he’s a two bit hustler living off the taxpayer teat and voters know it. Despite running un-opposed in Fargo’s June 12, 2018 election – Mahoney carried only 40.4 percent of the vote. How is that even possible? Under the new “approval voting” system, would that mean that voters could have written in “not Tim Mahoney” and unseated him as mayor?
During his State of the Cities address (SOC2019) Mahoney made wild and profoundly inaccurate claims that are easily refuted.
Before Mahoney supporters rush to his defense claiming that he misspoke.
BULL- ( you fill in the rest )!!!
Mahoney has been nebulous to this project from the outset. You don’t get the right to step up to the microphone as the official spokesperson and say “…ooops, my bad…” Ironically, Mahoney has missed nearly every one of his diversion related predictions since he became mayor and obfuscated the truth about the DPAC Assessment and sales tax extensions until 2085.
…and NO…, there are at least 54 reasons why Fargo does not currently have a bonafide permit from the DNR to begin construction…
Mahoney’s seething arrogance, contempt and bully mindset towards opponents, other commissioners and states has been duly noted.
What is more unsettling? The mere fact that Mayor Baloney is willing to say anything for the agenda of he and his ilk…, or that that he and his ilk assume that taxpayers are dumb enough to belief blatantly false information?
Listen to these clips:
Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney – January 10, 2019 | State of the Cities | Sandbags 0:14 sec |
…now the other thing that’s happened within the community we’ve done 20 miles of flood protection since 2009 – we’re not fully safe without the diversion…, we still have to do 100 million sandbags if we got into a flood at this time… |
Calm down there Dr. Evil…!
Even though Wikipedia reflected around 2 million sandbags needed and NBC News indicated Fargo had around 3.5 million bags after the 2009 flood…, where did the need for another 96.5 million sandbags come from?
How is it possible to build permanent dikes, levees and floodwalls for nearly a decade and end up less protected?
Especially, given the hundreds of millions of dollars that state and local taxpayers have pumped into Fargo’s flood protection?
Speaking of that taxpayer funded permanent flood protection…, only 20 miles since 2009?
You’d think that with the over half billion dollars from the State of North Dakota that someone would have thought to require a real-time graphic or progress to goal report to show taxpayers actual “milestones” towards real flood protection.
Isn’t it interesting that Fargo intentionally shrouds the actual amount of permanent flood protection constructed from lawmakers and taxpayers to keep their development plan disguised as flood control alive – while project proponents keep milking the cow? Topping $ 648 million in approved contracts and loans as of November 30, 2018.
Here is the phone number to the Fargo Engineering Department (701)241-1545
Why not give them a call and demand some answers as to how many miles and what is actually protected?
Wait…, it gets better!
Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney – January 10, 2019 | State of the Cities | Flood Insurance 0:11 sec |
…with the diversion the thing people keep quietly forgetting is we have flood insurance – we have $50-60 million worth of flood insurance in this community – the diversion is the only thing that will get rid of that… |
Wow…! 50-60 million worth of flood insurance in this community? Pretty scary huh?
Some good ol’ fear mongering over flood insurance.
** FACT ** There is NO WRITTEN GUARANTEE that the flood insurance requirement will go away if the proposed diversion is built. In fact, quite the contrary. Properties at the greatest risk of flood waters right now – may still be at risk of flash flooding during heavy rainfall events – and face mandatory flood insurance. Many property owners may be stuck paying for BOTH the proposed diversion and flood insurance – while their property value erodes in relation to the flood prone stigma that Fargo has created and exploits at will.
It’s not like FEMA would keep statistics on that type of information – per se – for each community indicating that as of September 30, 2018 Fargo, ND had 3,246 flood insurance policies enforce with a combined total premium costing property owners around $1.8 million insuring around $1 billion in property. A whopping average of $46.41 per month…
Even if all of Cass County and all of Clay County policies were combined – it does not come close Mahoney’s falsehood of 50-60 million worth of flood insurance and he missed the policy coverage by well over a billion.
This is a prime example of why you cannot trust imperial Fargo or imperial Cass or the talking heads plotting against you.
This is precisely why the ND Legislature has to tell Fargo to take a flying leap on their plans to abscond with $300 million from the legacy fund. There are far more deserving projects in North Dakota than fixing Fargo’s self-induced problems with irresponsible development and floodplain encroachment.
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Views: 1099
Typical falsification to get what they want.