Fargo Fool’em With Corruption in Plain Sight

Campaign Finance Editorials

Fargo Forum Jackboot Propaganda

The Fargo “Fool’em” Forum is operating under a compromised moral imperative that undermines the fabric of the rights afforded every citizen of the United States.

Albeit, the Fool’em is utilizing the freedom of speech on one hand, yet they are undermining those values by advocating the suppression of free speech on the other.

The reason we hold elections in American is to choose representation that can speak on behalf of the citizens in an arena that most find too complex to navigate.

These same citizens have the right to redress their government when they do foolish things, such as choosing to develop the last natural floodplain adjacent to Fargo in direct violation of North Dakotas State Constitution and Federal Executive Order 11988.

Understandably, the Fool’em argues that “editorials” are just “opinions”, but the impetus behind the “editorials” is no less real or in the Fool’ems case – sinister.

Since the deregulation of the FCC in the early 1990’s, Forum Communications has been expanding its empire and foothold in the upper-midwest which boasts 33 newspapers, 3 television stations and 1 radio station controlling a significant portion of the message being packaged for public consumption.

On one hand the Forum’s capitalism is to be commended for their growth. However, the greatest threat to any citizen living where the Forum Communication exercises its “political will” relates to the willingness of the journalist to become co-opted leading to impotent journalism and imperialistic control over the media.

The Fool’em simply doesn’t respect or fear its readers. The Fool’em chooses to pursue pro-agenda issues for the movers and shakers it holds near and dear.

A prime example of how dangerous the editorial staff has become at North Dakota’s largest newspaper can be found in the following editorial piece:

Published October 31, 2012, 11:35 PM
Forum editorial: Scherling, Schneider for Cass

Elections for Cass County commissioners usually are about rural roads, taxes and law enforcement. Not this time. The overriding issue in the elections in District 1 and District 5 is the Red River diversion. Everything else takes second seat to a project that will protect permanently the Fargo metro and its environs from a major flood. A candidate who expresses doubt or qualification about the project should not be on the Cass County Commission.

Fargo Fool’em Propaganda Failure #1

To suggest that an elected official or candidate should not express doubts or have the right to present questions that represent the constituents is extremely concerning. It appears, “as if”, the county commission should be able to behave like an out of control home owners association bent on ignoring individual property rights.

In that regard, Cass and Fargo voters should elect Mary Scherling in District 5 and Rocky Schneider in District 1. Both have made themselves informed about the project and have been steadfast in their support.Scherling’s opponent is Brandy Pyle of Casselton. She has an impressive resume, but in a response to a Forum question about the diversion, she said: “… I support flood control for Fargo, but there are issues with the current plan I do not agree with.” That’s a disqualifier.

Fargo Fool’em Propaganda Failure #2

It is apparent that Scherling and Schneider advocate that taking land from American citizens is justified so that development interests can fatten their wallets at the expense of taxpayers.

Yet, Brandy Pyle openly supports flood control for Fargo but chooses to be a responsible candidate and address concern(s) on behalf of her district constituents.

Schneider’s opponent in District 5 is Chad Peterson, who is a good candidate, but regarding the diversion, said this: “… we must ensure all those affected … are treated fairly and equitably.” Nice thought but impossible because “fairly and equitably” have different meanings to different interests. The diversion surely will be unfair and inequitable to many people, but it is a commissioner’s duty to sort that factor through and unambiguously support the project.

Fargo Fool’em Propaganda Failure #3

Distorting “fair and equitable” into a unilateral duty to unambiguously support the project is typical dictator rhetoric.

It appears that the Fargo Fool’em supports a “spend spend spend” policy with an elected leadership without the ability to act independently upon better judgement, reason or accountability to its constituents.

Chad Peterson is at least willing to pursue “fair and equitable” solutions which is tantamount in the pursuit of due process.

Scherling and Schneider have prepared themselves for the county jobs by being serious students of county policy, including but not exclusive to the diversion project. Schneider, for example, has been a regular attendee at Diversion Authority meetings but like Scherling is well-versed in the many other challenges facing the state’s largest population county.

Fargo Fool’em Propaganda Failure #4

The Fargo Fool’em actually understated Scherling’s and Schneider’s true preparation and qualifications for the county commission seats that are to be filled November 6th, 2012.

Apparently PAC money is required to ensure the “unambiguous support”, which the Fargo Fool’em so vigorously advocates, is ensured.

View each candidates recent campaign contribution report.

Rocky Schneider District 1
Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012

Rocky Schneider District 1 Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012
Rocky Schneider District 1 Campaign Contributions 2012 - Click Image to View Full Size (pdf)

Chad Peterson District 1
Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012

Chad Peterson District 1 Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012
Chad Peterson District 1 Campaign Contributions 2012 - Click Image to View Full Size (pdf)

Mary Scherling District 5
Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012

Mary Scherling District 5 Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012
Mary Scherling District 5 Campaign Contributions 2012 - Click Image to View Full Size (pdf)

Brandy Pyle District 5
Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012

Brandy Pyle District 5 Cass County Commissioner Candidate Campaign Contributions 2012
Brandy Pyle District 5 Campaign Contributions 2012 - Click Image to View Full Size (pdf)

Receiving Realtors Political Action Committee contributions to get elected to a commissioner seat to ensure unambiguous support of the project that will destroy upstream communities, farming operations and school districts sets off so many flags that the Fool’em could have explored. But, then again, that would not be goose-stepping the pro-agenda propaganda.

It is also curious that Deputy Mayor Tim Mahoney (whose residence was built in the known floodplain area flooded in 1997 which Fargo has spent millions protecting) contributed to Schneider’s campaign.

Even more curious is Scott Stofferahn’s contribution, (past aid to Sen. Kent Conrad who denied opposition the opportunity to present its case at the August 10th, 2011 budget hearing) illustrating a political connection to Washington, DC.

At any other time, Peterson and Pyle would measure up. But the diversion changes the equation because it is so important to the future of Cass County, Fargo and, in the larger economic context, all of North Dakota.

Scherling and Schneider have the edge. They are the right people for the commission at this crucial time in the county’s history.

Forum editorials represent the opinion of Forum management and the newspaper’s Editorial Board.

So…, Peterson and Pyle would “measure up at any other time”, but Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority would rather have an automatic YES vote from Schneider or Scherling than taking their chances on more responsible candidates?

The last line says it all. The Fargo Forum’s position is to dispense with the open and democratic process of vetting issues in lieu of lockstep support, which undermines the very foundations of the freedoms that Americans are entitled to, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

A government is instituted among men (people), with powers derived from the consent of the governed. Consent is not the usurping of due process, which is destructive to these ends. Consent is neither unilateral or unambiguous, as that leads to despotism.

This is precisely why Fargo, Cass County and the Diversion Authority will never allow the proposed Fargo Dam and FM Diversion to ever be voted on by the taxpayers that are expected to fund this project. If Fargo expects a handout from North Dakota in the form of funding, then have the courage to let the entire state decide whether it is a responsible and wholesome use of tax dollars.

To advocate unilateral alignment of elected officials to the party agenda is a dangerous road to go down, because it has cost too many American lives abroad.

In America, the Fargo Fool’em can continue channeling Joseph Goebbels or whatever other propaganda ministry they worship along with the feigned public outreach, public relations, psychological operations, education, or simply the mis-information they choose to advocate.

Regardless, the constituents of Cass county have an important choice to make on Tuesday, November 6th.

Chad Peterson for District 1

Brandy Pyle for District 5

Views: 373

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