Richland-Wilkin Joint Powers Authority
Original Publication Date:
May 16th, 2013
Wahpeton Daily News
Republished with permission from:
Doug Lingen Cass County resident of Bakke Addition and MnDak Upstream member.
The Wild West is Back
You don’t have to watch an old western movie to see back-stabbing, claim jumping, land grabbing, back- shooting, bottom of the deck dealing politicians stealing what they want.
Just watch the City of Fargo; they lost their bid to annex Horace and then West Fargo, so now they are going after 50,000 acres of prime farm land and the homes south of Fargo so they can build on land that floods.
Now the local back-stabbing double dealers have a ring dike going around not only the City of Oxbow but Hickson and the Bakke Addition against our wishes. Fargo is buying-out million dollar homes in Fargo that flood but they will not buy our homes in Hickson and the Bakke Addition that do not flood until they put 10 feet of water over us.
Cass County and Fargo will use tax payer money to bail out Oxbow’s money losing private country club, build a new club house and swimming pool, new golf course holes, and provide expansion land to boot. It sounds like good ol’ boy bottom of the deck dealing to get rid of the Oxbow/Hickson/Bakke thorn out of their political back-sides.
Property owners in Hickson and the Bakke Addition have voted; we do not want a 10 to 15 foot ring dike around us that is supposed to magically restore our property values. That is good old North Dakota horse manure peddled by “our friends” the Diversion Authority. Buy us out if you want to steal our land. It’s the sod buster farmers versus the big money ranchers (Fargo) meeting at the Fargo Barbwire Dam.
Instead of a shoot-out we will be paying lawyers to meet at high noon. Let’s hope true North Dakota justice prevails because this is not the North Dakota I grew up in.
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