People, you’re being lied to! Not unlike the tactics used by Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels and his ilk – as they lied to the Germans and exacted the Nazi political agenda against humanity.
Just one week shy of 4 years, the Fargo Forum has once again cranked up their disinformation campaign heralding the “success” of one of the most egregious acts against property owners in Cass County, ND in their effort to secure a P3 funding source to advance the Fargo Dam and Diversion project and sink the FM Metro area deeper in long term debt.
Perhaps it’s in retaliation to former ND Gov Ed Schafer’s recent email and comments regarding Fargo’s boondoggle.
If this is the hornets nest stirred up by just one former politician – imagine how damaging it would be if more came out.
Regardless, instead of singing the praises of a “rigged assessment vote” (read more…) – the Fargo Forum should be investigating the players and favors that made it all possible and whether the assessment district is still valid – given that the project cost has increased 2 times since the “contrived ballots” were mailed and it was based on “Plan A” – not “Plan B”.
→ Excerpt: Patrick Springer, Fargo Forum, May 5th 2019 (read more…) |
In 2015, Cass County voters approved the creation of the property assessment district, which includes properties that would be protected by the diversion channel designed to carry Red River floodwater around the Fargo-Moorhead area. |
The problem with Patrick Springer’s statement is that is actually patently false and it fully supports FMDA (Fargo Moorhead Diversion Authority) corruption, propaganda and taxation without representation.
“Cass County Voters” actually rejected the tax assessment (read more…) by nearly $25 million votes.
In 2015, the CCCJWRD (Cass County Joint Water Resource District) committed an act of economic terrorism against property owners and tax payers within Cass County by gerrymandering the DPAC (FM Flood Risk Management District No. 1 Assessment District) (read more…) ballot to ensure that property owners had zero opportunity for representation in the assessment.
759 million votes were available in 2015, of which 623 million were returned for all the gerrymandered classes.
Usurping or Compromising a property owners vote is tantamount to economic terrorism because it uses coercion and intimidation, especially against property owners, in the pursuit of the Fargo and Cass County political agenda relating to the FMDA project.
The only real votes that should have mattered were the property owners – not the dubious claim that the governmental agency has the fascist right to control over two-thirds of the voters will.
If the local governments had apportioned the ballot in a correct manner, meaning they should have waited to see what constituents wanted and then assigned the correct percentage of YES and NO vote accordingly, the assessment would have failed.
→ Excerpt: Tu-Uyen Tran, Fargo Forum, May 12th 2015 (read more…) |
Here is how the vote would have looked, had local officials voted according to the will of their constituents instead of defying them;
Should the Cass County Joint Water Resource District proceed with the creation of the FM Flood Risk Management District No. 1 Assessment District as described herein? | ||
YES | 299,040,000 votes | 48 percent |
NO | 323,960,000 votes | 52 percent |
Total Returned Votes | 623,000,000 votes |
Step back and take an objective look at this mess.
• | The FMDA project cost estimate has more than doubled since Jan 2010. |
• | The DPAC assessment district was based on a $1.8 billion cost estimate. |
• | The FMDA admits that sales tax is “unpredictable” (9 percent shortfall since 2014) (read more…) and was extended to 2084. |
• | The sales tax extension was based on a $2.2 billion cost estimate. |
• | The FMDA cost estimate has increased 3 times over the past 10 years – currently touted at $2.75 billion in 2018 dollars [$3.13 billion by 2026] (read more…). |
• | The time factor of money will likely outpace the ability of sales tax to cover obligations. |
• | The North Dakota legislature is getting tired of Fargo demanding money (read more…) for the contentious FMDA project. |
• | The former ND Gov Ed Schafer has openly expressed concern (read more…) about the financial viability of the project. |
• | There is no guarantee for congressional funding appropriation. |
• | The sales tax(es) falls short of covering the current cost estimate. |
• | The DPAC assessment falls short of covering the current cost estimate. |
• | The North Dakota funding falls short of covering the current cost estimate. |
• | The federal funding falls short of covering the current cost estimate. |
Is it only Fargo’s project proponents that cannot see the forest for the trees…?
Once again ~ of all the corrupt, dishonest, unscrupulous, dishonorable, unprincipled, unethical, amoral, untrustworthy, venal, underhanded, double-dealing, fraudulent, bribable, criminal, illegal, unlawful, nefarious; crooked, shady, dirty, sleazy things that have happened thus far…, how else can one describe the FMDA and their ilk?
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