2 thoughts on “Moorhead Rejects Fargo Diversion Authority Right of Entry

  1. i am not sure the diversion would protect one in five fargoans, let alone one in five north dakotans or a better way to say it is four in five fargoans are not affected by most floods.
    the agenda of the forum shows through loud and clear when they chastise moorhead leaders for doing what their consituants wanted. which was to take care of their flood problems in an expiditious manner and not lay around waiting for the feds to pay for a wildly waistful project dreampt up by the corp and a couple engineering firms that were more looking at career building than the best use of tax dollars to help the most people in our high water events. i have often wondered why our two minnesota united state senators have been on the air waves “pimping” for this diversion project more than the north dakota senators. i would lay odds most minnesotans (moreover even moorheadians) would put a low priority on spending a lot of money for a fargo diversion. a diversion that has detrimental affects up and down stream. a diversion for a city that resides in a state that has a 6 billion dollar savings account and growing. the author of this fargo dam article expects the fargo foolum to do investigative reporting and be factual on its reports about the diversion? i bet he knows better. thats not now a bully pullpit operates.

  2. conflict of interest n. a situation in which a person has a duty to more than one person or organization, but cannot do justice to the actual or potentially adverse interests of both parties,-

    The obvious question that some people have asked is —
    How much money does his legal firm get from whom and does this color his legal advise. Of course the longer this plays out (the diversion process) the more money he and his company make. It is like playing all sides for purely finical gain.
    Nice work if you can get it?

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