Editorials Feature
Fargo Mayor Tim Baloney

It appears that Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney cannot grasp the simple reality that he knows little to nothing about flooding (read more…). Mahoney and his FMDA ilk have been in full fear mongering mode until the Covid-19/Coronvirus situation eclipsed the nonsense being peddled by the Fargo FMDA cult (read more…).

Mahoney never misses an opportunity to put on his yellow emergency vest, which has become the quintessential punch line to the dull joke that is Mayor Mahoney.

Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney is nothing more than a bully that didn’t want to own the 2020 Fake Flood on his own.

In a feigned effort to establish credibility, on February 27, 2020 Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney, along with West Fargo Commission President Bernie Dardis and Cass County Commission Chairman Chad Peterson, signed emergency flood declarations. Eleven days later, on March 9, Moorhead Mayor Jonathan Judd declared a State of Emergency.

Why? The elevation that Moorhead “first” needed sandbags was 10.8 inches higher than the 39.1 foot prediction and West Fargo has a robust diversion in place protecting its environs.

A mere 27 days later, after hard earned hours of wasted PTO, hundreds of volunteer hours, the goal of 400,000 sandbags was reduced to the need of near ZERO. All to placate the egos of the FMDA cult (read more…). It’s no wonder that sandbag central had difficulty filling the time-slots and sensationalist goal.

When it comes to Imperial Fargo – Imperial Cass, the crying of wolf and fear mongering never ends.

On February 27, 2020 Mayor Mahoney stated: “I am concurring with the recommendations of our experts and directing City staff to prepare for a 39-foot river crest,”

In a March 24, 2020 interview on KFGO News and Views host Joel Heitkamp (read more…) Mayor Mahoney is quoted: “We’ll probably hit a lower crest, 34, 35 (ft.) and then also, we’ll probably crest April 1, so about 10 days from now, eight days from now I guess, the first or second week, we think we’ll hit that crest,”

Think long and hard about Mahoney’s nonsensical prediction of a 34-35 foot crest on April 1st. Because “phew”, Fargo dodged a magic bullet that never really existed but has to try and walk this back saying it was a “near perfect melt” in an effort to distract from the real-story that Fargo and the National Weather Service have missed every top flood crest forecast issued in February and March since the 2009 flood.

2020 was predicted to be a Top 5 flood, yet is turning into a Top 5 dud!

Here is a screen shot (below) of the National Weather Service Red River Gauge from March 24, 2020 – which forecasts a March 30 elevation around 24.6 feet. Yet, somehow, Mayor Mahoney predicts a 10 foot rise in river level in 48 hours.

It is almost, as if, Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney doesn’t know a damn thing about the Red River or flooding…, but he does own a “spiffy” yellow vest.

Fargo residents, seriously, wake up… YOU NEED A NEW MAYOR!

Of the 22,159 votes cast – 12,791 (58.5 percent) literally voted for “nobody” as opposed to mustering up the effort to darken the oval next to the mayoral incumbent Tim Mahoney.

In the 2018 Fargo City Election Tim Mahoney ran unopposed an still only carried 40.4 percent of the vote (read more…). How is that even possible?

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