Mayor Dennis R. Walaker
200 3rd Street North
Fargo, North Dakota 58102
Phone (701) 241-1310
Fax (701) 476-4136
January 9, 2012
Public Service Commission
State of North Dakota
600 East Boulevard Avenue Dept. 408
Bismarck, ND 58505-0480
Re: CapX2020 Project: Docket No. PU-10-606 and Docket No. PU-10-607
Dear Commissioners:
As you know, l submitted comments to you relative to the above project by letter dated June 20, 2011. In essence, we expressed support for the CapX2020 project subject to two comments. The first comment raised some concern that the proposed corridor might intersect with the proposed Locally Preferred Plan of the Metro Flood Diversion Project. Since our June 2011 letter, it appears that the corridor and proposed route have been moved farther to the south and also have been reduced in width so that they are well below the proposed diversion channel for the Metro Flood Project. As a result, we feel comfortable withdrawing that comment from our June 2011 letter.
The second of the two comments simply raised the concern that even the CapX2020 structures are built to the south and west of the proposed diversion channel, it may be that staged water from the diversion project may exist, from time to time, in the area where the CapX structures are built. We’ve been informed by CapX representatives that they will account for the possibility of floodwaters in their design and no mitigation will be necessary. We are pleased with that response as well.
Once again, the City of Fargo appreciates the opportunity to provide our original comments and these follow-up comments. Representatives of the city will be present at your upcoming January 30, 2012 hearing if the Commissioners have any questions.
Dennis R. Walaker
Darrin Lahr, Routing Lead, CapX2020
PO Box 9437
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Mark Nisbet
Xcel Energy
By email: mark.nisbet@xcelenergy.com
Lisa Agrimonti
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
Attorneys for CapX2020
By email: LAqrimonti@Brigg.com
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CapX – Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker letter to ND Public Service Commission January 9th, 2012
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