Statement from Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton’s Office

Legal Letters to Editor Minnesota
The Unparsed, Uncut message as intended by the Office of Governor Mark Dayton & Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon.

Courtesy of: Matt Swenson, Press Secretary

MN Gov. Mark Dayton
August 1st, 2014

“Governor Dayton and his administration will do everything possible to ensure that Minnesota’s best interests are not trampled by this project.

Flood relief which would greatly benefit North Dakota, and would damage property in Minnesota, is unacceptable, as are attempts to override our state’s environmental review procedures and permitting authority.

If the Diversion Authority sincerely desires a cooperative relationship with the State of Minnesota, it needs to reform its current practices.”

Matt Swenson | Press Secretary
Office of Governor Mark Dayton & Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon
116 Veterans Service Building
20 West 12th Street, St. Paul, MN 55155
Office: 651-201-3445

Working to Build a Better Minnesota


Views: 139

3 thoughts on “Statement from Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton’s Office

  1. Thank you for taking a stand against this project. My family’s home, a home that has been in my family for more than 100 year’s, would flood.

  2. fargo dam. you should send your articles to the staffs of all the politicians who vote on appropriations. they should know the waiste of money the diversion is and how much cheeper it could be done in a fassion that would help the entire basin.

  3. In the letter dated July 31 from the MN Attorney General the state of MN is concerned with the action by the DA to preempt MN state law.

    specifically “–the-Fargo-Moorhead Board of Water Authority (“Authority”) has claimed the federal court briefing papers that the recent Congressional action preempts the authority of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to regulate the project” –
    Simply; The court action taken by the DA and the Corps is to prevent a decision from being made as to what type of flood protection plan is to be permitted by DNR.
    The DNR is not deciding whether or not to provide flood protection to Fargo, only what plan will be permitted.

    The Diversion Authority, and the Fargo media is again playing fast and lose with the truth, in the editorial pages and the even the news reporting.

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