Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for engineering design services:
The selected engineering design consultant(s) will assist the Authority in completing work-in-kind engineering; land, easement, rights-of-way, relocations, and disposal areas (LERRDS); and other Diversion Project related professional services.
The Authority intends to select one or more consulting firms (or team of firms submitting as a single Respondent) to provide engineering design services for the Fargo-Moorhead Area Diversion project (Project) for the following Types of Work:
Types of Work
1. Bridge Design (County and Interstate Highway)
2. Land Acquisition (does not include legal services)
3. Diversion Channel Design
4. Hydrology and Hydraulics
5. Levee and Flood Wall Design
6. Utility Relocation Design
7. Recreation and Use Planning
Respondents may submit qualifications for one or more (or all) of the Types of Work listed above. The Respondent must clearly state for which Types of Work that they are submitting. The Authority may elect to award all work to a single Respondent, separate Types of Work to separate Respondents, or a single Type of Work to more than one Respondent, as determined to be in the best interest of the Authority. Additional Types of Work may be added to the successful Respondent(s) scope of work subsequent to award, if determined to be in the best interest of the Authority.
Submission Requirements:
Respondents shall deliver 12 copies of their submittal by January 30, 2012 at 3:00 PM. Submittals are limited to maximum of 30 pages with a font size no smaller than 11 point (11×17 pages allowed, but count as 2 pages). Cover letter, executive summary, table of contents, tabs, and appendixes (SF330 and resumes) do not count in the 30 page limit. Submittals shall be bound in a 3-ring binder and submitted in a sealed package clearly marked on the front with the title of the Project and Respondent. Include one CD of the submittal in Adobe Acrobat® PDF format.
Submittals shall be delivered to and questions regarding this RFQ shall be directed to:
Bruce Spiller
3170 43rd St S Ste 100
Fargo, ND 58104
T: 701-364-9111
C: 719-338-1484
View and Download the Request for Qualifications (RFQ):
Request for Qualifications RFQ Project V-12002 Engineering Design Services (361kb pdf)
View and Download the Guaranty Agreement:
Guaranty Agreement (88kb pdf)
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