Fargo Dam Height

FM Diversion Minions Cannot Be Trusted

Editorials Feature

A fundamental defective trait of diversion proponents is that they lack the ability of critical and independent thought and reasoning. Over $646 million committed into a $4-5 billion dollar dam and diversion boon-doggle for Fargo’s development plan disguised as flood control – yet only $36.9 million spent fighting all floods from 1993-2018 (read more…).

Fargo Dam and FM Diversion supporters believe they are more valuable and important than other people and that they deserve to be treated better than others. They lack empathy for property owners impacted by the FMDA project, in part, because they believe them to be insignificant.

When you take a look at nearly every vote cast by the FMDA (Fargo Moorhead Diversion Authority) the outcome is typically unanimous. In part, due to the consensus that is reached via phone call, emails and “informal meetings” outside of the “actual meetings”. The FMDA has even used the near unanimous FMDA votes as though if were some for a prima-facia evidence that there is 100 percent support for the FMDA project.

The FMDA even drafted wording into their Joint Power Agreement that states that any member could be removed for failing to be an FMDA “yes-man”.

Excerpt: Section 21.01 FMDA Joint Power Agreement (read more…)

The Member Entities recognize and agree that they may be requested to make politically unpopular decisions and that it would not be fair or reasonable to withhold taking necessary action absent a Rational Basis for said inaction. As a result, the Member Entities desire to create a procedure by which a Member Entity may be removed from this Agreement for failing to take necessary and reasonable action without a Rational Basis for making such non-action.

Excerpt: FMDA Defines Rational Basis (read more…)

“Rational Basis” means making a decision that is determined by the Diversion Authority Board to be fair, moderate, suitable under the circumstances, and governed by reason.”

“Rational Basis…?”  Who’s kidding who?  The FMDA devised an arbitrary and capricious process to give themselves totalitarian power to essentially allow minions to advance Fargo’s development plan disguised as flood control via complicity.

Q: Who authored the FMDA JPA?
A: Ohnstad Twichell, the same firm representing nearly every member entity of the FMDA.

How is this not a conflict of interest?

The FMDA and its ilk are pathological in their agenda. They use media with impunity to sell and sing the praises of the project, yet are social deviants when it comes to project shortcomings and downplay negative aspects by any means necessary.

Remember when the FMDA said they didn’t need Minnesota permits…?
Remember when the FMDA broke ground without those Minnesota permits…?

The FMDA showers Oxbow, ND with lavish betterments, yet denies the same to others.  ~ The FMDA abused a corrupt DPAC vote (read more…) to force a tax assessment upon property owners, yet failed to predict the retail apocalypse and waning sales tax revenues. ~ The FMDA original project cost estimate is a distant memory and the final costs have yet to be determined. ~ The FMDA claims they have dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s but that have failed to address crop insurance and water easements.

Simply put, FMDA minions cannot be trusted.

Click for Large View
Wolverton Creek Dam

In an August 13, 2018 opinion letter from FMDA minion Gerald Van Amburg of Moorhead, MN (read more…) – Van Amburg attempts damage control relating to impacts and features of Fargo’s “Plan B”, yet completely ignores that there has not been one public meeting held to inform local property owners of the new feature.

Why does the FMDA and its minions obsess over the public perception of the FMDA project, yet, willfully ignore the reality of the harm and stress it caused those targeted with impacts? Van Amburg appeared perplexed over a July 12, 2018 opinion letter from Trana Rogne of rural Kindred, ND titled “Why flood Minnesota at all?” (read more…)

Dubious FMDA claims of “no impacts” relating to changes to “Plan B” where the FMDA intended to build a dam across Wolverton Creek just north of the Clay-Wilkin county line – raises valid concern to Minnesota property interests.

Fargo Dam Height
Click for Large View
Fargo Dam Top Elevation 928.5 feet
Cited Source: SEIS May 21, 2018

Van Amburg pitched the BRRWD (Buffalo Red River Watershed District) on July 23, 2018 to use the BRRWD influence and authority to respond to Rogne’s letter – but the BRRWD declined stating: “…they preferred that the letter not appear to come from the BRRWD.” (read more…)

Rogne touched a nerve with the height of the project.

How close was Rogne to the Fargo Dam height just west of Red River-Wolverton Creek confluence – where water enters the Red River uncontrolled?

Upon reviewing 6,552 lidar data points – the general height of the Fargo Dam west of the Red River-Wolverton Creek confluence averages 18.93 feet above surrounding natural ground profile.

Van Amburg made erroneous and misleading statements relating to Rogne’s height reference and failed to clarify the top elevation of the dam ranges from 12.3-15.3 feet from the bottom of Wolverton Creek just north of the Clay-Wilkin county line.

The greater issue at hand is that despite “feigned assurances” that the Wolverton Creek dam isn’t intended to hold back water…, one must ask why the dam is being proposed at all – if not to stage water and create impacts where none existed before?

Van Amburg defied his board and used the entire first paragraph of the letter to give the appearance (read more…) that it was coming from the BRRWD.

This isn’t anything out of the ordinary from FMDA shill Van Amburg who, as chairman, often harangued (read more…) the BRRWD members over any dissenting opinion or vote relating to the FMDA project.

When Clay, Wilkin, OtterTail and Becker voted to leave the FMDA after 4 pages of meeting notes – Van Amburg was the lone dissenting vote (read more…), which illustrates where Van Amburg’s loyalties exist.

Gerald Van Amburg is nothing more than an FMDA minion, willing to place Fargo’s development interests before Minnesota.

FM Diversion Minions Cannot Be Trusted…

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