Oxbow, ND Mayor Moves Into Government Housing

Editorials Feature Project Costs
$2.69 million buyout: 5059 McKenzie Cir (Bartram Estate)
$2.69 million buyout: 5059 McKenzie Cir (Bartram Estate)

Recently, several reports surfaced regarding Oxbow, ND mayor James Nyhof having moved into taxpayer subsidized government housing.

An open records request to Cass County Joint Water Resource District confirmed the initial reports.

Several homes in Oxbow, ND area have fallen under the “housing of last resort” rules, wherein, residents in the path of the OHB ring dike-levee targeted for buyouts were granted permission to remain in their existing homes during their relocation and construction of replacement housing in theĀ 200 to 500 percent range.

This is a hidden blessing to residents, in that they DO NOT have to move into temporary housing before moving into the new homes. An accommodation that might not have existed without the current injunction against the Fargo Dam and FM Diversion project.

What makes Oxbow, ND mayor James Nyhof’s situation unique is that Nyhof had owned two properties in Oxbow, ND.

336 Schnell Dr (in the levee-path)
708 Riverbend Road (NOT in the path)

Sale of the 708 Riverbend Road property was a voluntary choice for convenience of sale and not relocation to a new home under construction in the new portion of Oxbow, ND where taxpayers have already paid millions to reconstruct a new golf course, clubhouse, pool and city infrastructure.

Ironically, “housing of last resort” is with an emphasis on “RESORT”.

Here are the available facts.

Fact 1: Several properties along Schnell Drive in Oxbow, ND were available for temporary occupancy that have been vacated within the past few months, yet none were selected by Nyhof.
Fact 2: Oxbow, ND mayor James Nyhof left an upscale 2,300 sq/ft home (cited source: Zillow) and moved into a palatial mansion rivaling 9,000 sq/ft on a 12 acres river lot located on the Red River, that was a taxpayer funded buyout of $2.69 million in 2015.
Fact 3: The 5059 McKenzie Cir property had been vacant for nearly 2 years.
Fact 4: An undisclosed amount of money was expended making the 5059 McKenzie Cir property habitable.
Fact 5: The former $2.69 million Bartram estate is being rented for a mere $1,500 per month by Nyhof.


Perhaps Fact #5 is at the crux of the issue.

A $2.69 million home, with ZERO money down (county taxpayer owned), ZERO percent interest (county taxpayer owned) and ZERO property taxes (county taxpayer funded) on a 30 year loan would cost any other buyer $7,472.00 per month.

View Rental Agreement

View Pet Addendum

You’re the taxpayer, you be the judge.

Views: 6607

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