MNDak Makes “dent” at Big Iron


MnDak Upstream Coalition - Big Iron Booth

Pat Otto, Karen Grimm, Gene Grimm, Joel Noreen, Sid Berg, Allen Swenson, John Carlson and Marcus Larson volunteered to represent MNDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin JPA during Big Iron September 11th thru 13th. The booth offered straight forward information, insights and impacts of the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion.

A real “eye opener” for many in the steady stream of visitors unaware of the magnitude in the proposed structure and the devastation to farmland, communities and the surrounding environment.

One tense moment occurred when a visitor stormed away, only to return moments later inquiring if MNDak were advocating “for” or “against” the dam and diversion project. When the upset visitor realized that MNDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin Joint Power Authority are opponents to the multiple dam features of the project, the visitor apologized and shared his own frustrations with Fargo, Cass County, the Diversion Authority and the Corps of Engineers.

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MNDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin JPA do not support construction of 3 (three) Class 1 High Hazard Dams as primary features of the proposed project. However, MNDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin JPA fully support sensible flood protection and basin-wide retention for the metro area, that does not include economic development of the last natural flood plain adjacent to Fargo at the expense of upstream interests.

Vistors to the booth often commented about media bias in favor the proposed project and were quick to thank MNDak Upstream Coalition and Richland Wilkin JPA representatives for sharing the real untold story.

Communication is the key…, and truth is self evident.

Either way, MNDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin JPA made a “dent” at Big Iron and solidified many concerns that Fargo media has been corrupted in favor of a project that is the worst solution for the Fargo Moorhead metro area.

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