Fargo Tries to Handpick Moorhead Council Candidates


Fargo Hand Picks Moorhead Politicians

In yet another shameless pro-Fargo Diversion Authority editorial, the Forum chooses four candidates they feel are worthy of endorsement.

There is nothing discreet about the Fargo Forum Editorial Staff wording…

“We like these four”

Here are the reasons stated:

“…within the context of being an active partner in
progress of the Fargo-Moorhead diversion…”

“…the sometimes tense but always necessary relationship
with Fargo, and fully supports the diversion…”

“…A supporter of the diversion…”

“…understands the diversion will provide
permanent flood protection from a record flood…”

It appears that anything pro-diversion gets a nod from the paper acting as a cattle prod.  Does that “nod” come at a price?  Will a candidate feel compelled to look favorably upon some matter in the future for a gesture of endorsement made today? Will a candidate cower from the cross-hairs of the newspaper that helped place them in their seat? Does it make anyone question why the Fargo Forum Editorial Staff would endorse “certain” candidates…, and not others?

Even more so…, is it ethical for the Fargo Forum Editorial Staff to use its bully pulpit to endorse one candidate over another?

Albeit, Moorhead has had it problems with development in the shadow of Fargo. Fargo will take whatever it can from its neighbors…, even if it means crossing states line to do so.

Maybe the four candidates hand picked by the Fargo Forum Editorial Staff are the right choice…, or maybe not…?

Come Tuesday, those Moorhead residents that feel inclined to vote will make their ways to the polls.

The questions that should be weighing heavy on EVERY Moorhead voters mind are:

Who can best lead Moorhead to an independent prosperity and not sacrifice Moorhead prosperity to Fargo’s will and south-side development plans?

Who can provide an economic future to Moorhead like the 72 percent growth that West Fargo, ND has experienced?

Who can creates jobs in Moorhead so we don’t have to play second fiddle to Fargo’s tune?

Who can stand up to the Fargo Diversion Authority and tell them NO! Moorhead has protection and did so for a billion and a half less.

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Views: 118

2 thoughts on “Fargo Tries to Handpick Moorhead Council Candidates

  1. Why would Moorhead, or Minnesota for that matter, want to put money into protecting Fargo?

    How can Al Franken and Amy Klobochar be so out of touch as they were fighting for air time in the local Fargo TV news stations to pimp the diversion? I would bet if you took a poll of Moorhead voters if they want to put their tax dollars into Fargo’s diversion, it would be much below 50 percent. Further, i bet if you took the same poll across the state of Minnesota you would get about -0- percent wanting to give Fargo money for their diversion. Especially as they read about the billions in surplus in North Dakota.

    I am surprized how out of touch Franken and Klobochar are on this issue.

  2. The forum has stopped printing my “pro retention con diversion” letters a long time ago.

    Now I know what “bully pulpit” means.

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