Frequently Asked Questions

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Aquisitions and Buyouts

•Q• Why doesn’t the USACE endorse the RRBC upstream retention plan?
    < Awaiting reply from RRBC >

•Q• Will the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion provide protection
     from summer flooding and heavy rainfall events?   Find Answer →

•Q• Why was a diversion channel, rather than levees or water
    retention, recommended?    Find Answer →

•Q• How high would the water be in a 500 year flood event?    Find Answer →

•Q• Will the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion save $19 million
    in flood insurance premiums?    Find Answer →

•Q• If the North Dakota (LPP) removes additional land from the
    natural flood plain compared to the Minnesota (FCP)
    why is the USACE relying on Executive Order 11988
    as an excuse to not consider the southern and western alignments?   Find Answer →

•Q• How can the project go all the way to Hickson,
    protecting undeveloped land,
    and be within the guidelines of EO11988?    Find Answer →

•Q• What is the difference between
    retention, staging and storage?   Find Answer →

•Q• Why are upstream impacts rather than
    downstream impacts being proposed?   Find Answer →

•Q• What is a high hazard dam?   Find Answer →

•Q• Is the proposed diversion LPP considered a “high hazard” dam?    Find Answer →

•Q• Will the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion
    remove flood insurance requirements?    Find Answer →

•Q• Why was the current alignment selected?    Find Answer →

•Q• Why is the North Dakota diversion channel
    the selected plan, when the Minnesota
    diversion channel would have been cheaper?    Find Answer →

•Q• Does the Fargo Moorhead Diversion
    and Dam violate Executive Order 11988?   Find Answer →

•Q• How does the Fargo Moorhead Dam
    and Diversion violate Executive Order 11988?   Find Answer →

•Q• Is it true that property in the proposed
    buyout area has no value and cannot be sold?   Find Answer →

•Q• What is the anticipated annual operation and
    maintenance cost of the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion?    Find Answer →

•Q• Is the real, hidden purpose for the
    staging area to serve as a water supply for Fargo?    Find Answer →

•Q• What is the latest on when they would buy folks out if the dam was approved? I heard at the very end when it is finished. I have heard sooner to accommodate those needing sooner. Just what do we know about this?

•Q• Is it true that the Fargo-Moorhead Metro area will be protected to a 500-year level when other communities in the basin have less protection?

•Q• How will the diversion channel cross five rivers?

•Q• How will land acquisition be handled?

•Q• Why have costs increased since you released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement?

•Q• How will project funding and cost sharing work?

•Q• Is it possible water outside the diversion will not flow into the channel and back up all the way to Davenport, Kindred, Mapleton, Abercrombie, Colfax, etc.?

•Q• Why does the project include recreation features?

•Q• Are the recreation features proof that Fargo wants the staging area to be a lake?

•Q• Would water in the city of Fargo be at 30 feet for all floods?

•Q• Would retention upstream of Fargo eliminate the need for the staging area?

•Q• Would retention upstream of Fargo eliminate the need for the diversion channel?

•Q• If the Corps is not pursuing retention, will no retention be built?

•Q• Is this plan final or can the alignment be moved before the diversion channel is built?

•Q• How will this diversion channel affect the Sheyenne Diversion Channel?

•Q• Would a Devils Lake overflow overwhelm the diversion channel and make things worse for the Sheyenne breakouts?

•Q• Protecting land south of Fargo for future development is a violation of Executive Order 11988. The Corps inconsistently applied EO 11988; it states it cannot impact downstream communities because of EO 11988, but also states it cannot move the alignment further south to save upstream communities because of EO 11988.

•Q• How can information about specific property buyouts be obtained?

•Q• Some information in the “Do Nothing Scenario” section of the website is inaccurate and contradictory. Will you remove it?

•Q• Will you list the amounts of actual damages incurred from flooding in the metro area by Fargo, Moorhead, Cass County, Clay County, and the State of North Dakota for all years from 1997 to 2011? These actual dollar amounts could then be compared to the Corps’ “expected average annual damages of more than $194.8 million.”

•Q• The flood waters could be slowed by controlling ditch flow from 40-50 miles east and west through dikes, gates, and water controlled engineering. Where is the research on this method?

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2 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I really don’t have any thing being threatened in this but the way it’s being done is wrong I live in Cass county but not in Fargo so my vote never counts as Fargo has the population not the land. They have the county commissioners in their pocket cause they can vote the ones they want in The rural Cass county really has no say. Fargo controls the county but rural Cass doesn’t go along with it the tax they leved was a farce as rural Cass was out voted because Fargo has the population if the mayor wanted a mansion they’d get it cause they would ask the county to pay and it would pass so I don’t like it when they say Cass county voted for this or that as Fargo gets its way Just my feelings this Diversion is not being done legally. But Imperial Fargo bullies the upstream an minn. to get their way.

  2. My question is why don’t Fargo have to abide by Executive Order 11988 that was issued by President Jimmy Carter on 24 May 1997 and is titled “Floodplain Management”. In issuing the EO the President stated “in order to avoid to the extent possible the long and short term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative, it is hereby ordered that each agency shall provide leadership and shall take action to reduce the risk of flood loss, to minimize the impact of floods on human safety, health and welfare, and to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains in carrying out its responsibilities…”. The nonstructural analysis was done in complete compliance with the EO meaning that any nonstructural measures that are incorporated into alternatives recommended for implementation support the vision of the EO.

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