Breaking News: JPA Seeks Judgement Against OHB Ring Dike

Press Release

April 3rd, 2014


Joint Powers Authority
(Richland County, ND & Wilkin County, MN)


The Richland –Wilkin Joint Powers Authority has directed its attorneys to
immediately seek an injunction or court order to prevent the construction of a ring
dike and associated features around Oxbow, Bakke and Hickson.

The Richland-Wilkin Joint Powers Authority has directed its attorneys to seek an injunction in federal court halting the ring dike project around Oxbow, Bakke and Hickson designed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and which is a component of the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project.

The only purpose served by the proposed Oxbow-Bakke-Hickson ring dike is to mitigate the flooding that will be caused by the construction of a high hazard dam on the Red River. Bakke and Hickson are in no danger of flooding and Oxbow has recently completed permanent dikes and levees to the elevation of which exceeds the FEMA 500 year level. In the event the proposed high hazard dam on the Red River is not permitted, or other necessary permits are not granted, the
Oxbow-Hickson-Bakke area will be encircled with 15 foot ring dike designed to prevent flooding that will not occur. Construction of the Oxbow-Hickson-Bakke Ring Dike before Minnesota permit proceedings are completed, or before the federal law suit brought by the Richland Wilkin Joint Powers Authority is decided, will violate state and federal law and will cause irreparable harm to citizens and entities in North Dakota and Minnesota that make up the Richland Wilkin Joint
Powers Authority.

For additional information, contact Nathan Berseth at (701) 388 3549

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OHB Ring Dike Injunction
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Don’t Miss!
MNDak Beef Brisket and
Smoked Pork Fundraiser

Saturday April 5th, 2014 5pm – 8pm
CW Valley Agronomy Center
(NW corner of Hwy 75 & Clay 2), Comstock, MN

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