AE2S, Tami Norgard - Vogel Law Firm

Showdown: BRRWD vs FMDA vs Conflicts of Interest

BRRWD Editorials Feature

AE2S, Tami Norgard - Vogel Law FirmShould the nature of the relationship between a founder and leader of AE2S, a major FM Diversion engineering company, and Tami Norgard, Attorney for the Buffalo Red River Water Resource District (BRRWRD), be examined to determine any potential conflict of interest? How many millions of dollars has AE2S made from the FM Diversion project? More importantly, how many millions will it lose if the BRRWRD successfully challenges the DNR’s decision to permit the FM Diversion project?

FMDam has for years sought information as to what AE2S has been paid for the services it provides to the Diversion project. A prominent engineering firm, AE2S (Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.) has and continues to provide substantial services including public relations, public outreach and engineering personnel to the FM Diversion project. The nature and extent of the fees AE2S has collected over the years is a mystery that seems to have been shielded and is not readily apparent in the Diversion Authority’s financial disclosures.

Other key engineering firm’s fees are less opaque:

Diversion engineering firm Houston-Moore Group LLC has received $41,237,578.34 in payments and CH2M Hill Engineers has received $45,927,944.88 from the project.

What has AE2S received and what does it stand to lose by BRRWD’s actions?

What is the nature of the relationship between Tami Norgard and AE2S leadership?

Attorney Norgard has been outspoken in her support of the FM Diversion in public media appearances, in her participation and communications when she agreed to be on the Governor’s task force last year, and in her repeated efforts to discourage certain votes by BRRWRD supervisors. Norgaard, as attorney for BRRWRD, has repeatedly asserted that supervisor Mark Anderson has a conflict of interest by reason of the fact that Mark’s significant other has family that owns land in the massive staging area that will be created by the dam if the project goes forward.

What is the nature of Norgard’s relationship with a founder of AE2S, and what will AE2S lose if the BRRWRD contest goes forward and is successful?

What has AE2S been paid from the project so far?

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