The project purpose, as stated by the Corps of Engineers in the FEIS (final environmental impact statement), is “to investigate flood issues in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan area, identify flood risk management measures that could be implemented, document findings and, if appropriate, recommend implementation of a federal project.”
The stated goal is counter-intuitive, as there would be a greater flood risk concentrated in the staging area directly upstream of Fargo, placing the entire metro area at increased risk and loss of life if a breach occurred during operation.
The factual project purpose, as illustrated by the Corps of Engineers in its reports, is to develop a project that will accommodate the city of Fargo’s current future plans of development. Which is illustrated in Value Engineering Study 1 and Value Engineering Study 2 and both directly and in-directly violates Executive Order 11988.
– NOTE – EO11988: Federal agencies are required to avoid to the extent possible the long and shortterm adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative.
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