FM Home Builders and Realtors use Collusion to Push Sale Tax

Sales Tax
Fargo's Own Fool
Fargo’s Own Fool

In 2010, the FM Homebuilders Association was behind the Coalition for Cass County Flood Protection measure in 2010, which had/has the identical 1802 32nd Ave S, Fargo, ND office address [read more…].

Compare Addresses:

Coalition for Cass County Flood Protection Homebuilders Association of Fargo Moorhead
1802 32nd Ave S  ←→ 1802 32nd Ave S
Fargo, ND 58103 Fargo, ND 58103


Now, the Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of REALTORS and FM Homebuilder’s Association are colluding to push a multi-generational sales tax, that will line their pockets, onto future generations that are denied any right to ratify the tax on their own behalf.

The following email illustrates the level of collusion in play to obligate your tax dollars to benefit Fargo’s elite.

Subject: FW: Statement from Mayor Mahoney Regarding Diversion Permit Denial

Subject: Statement from Mayor Mahoney Regarding Diversion Permit Denial Importance: High

Dear FMAAR Members,

The following email was sent out by the HBA to members today. We are forwarding, with permission. This is important information to be aware of so that you can pass along the most accurate information. We will forward updated details on the Vote Yes Campaign as soon as they are released. If you’d like to make a contribution, please contact me.

Marti Kaiser, RCE
Chief Executive Officer
Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of REALTORS®
813 North University Drive
Fargo, ND 58102
phone (701) 235-6679 fax (701) 232-1831

Good afternoon. Wanted to touch base after yesterday’s announcement regarding the MN DNR’s denial of the permit application for the FM Diversion Project. Contrary to the media reports and radio talk show commentary, the Diversion Project is not dead.

After yesterday’s announcement, it is even more critical that we power ahead with our Vote Yes campaign. We have received some calls asking whether the donations for the campaign should still be sent, delivered, etc. The answer is an emphatic YES! We should know more this afternoon regarding our campaign and how the messaging may change. However, as Mayor Mahoney says below, we will continue to move forward and yes, we are still continuing to fundraise. If you haven’t made a commitment yet, please reply to me asap. Any and all donations help! Thank you again for your continued support.

<----- BEGIN Statement from Mayor Mahoney ----->

Statement from Mayor Mahoney regarding the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ denial of a permit application for the Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Project

Fargo, N.D. (October 3, 2016) – Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney has issued the following statement regarding today’s permit application denial by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR):

We will take the next few days to review the Minnesota DNR’s opinion fully. However, let me first say how disappointed I am with the DNR’s recommendation that, instead of building the F-M Diversion Project, we are to continue deploying sandbags as our primary protection method in future flood events. Those of us who were on the frontlines during past floods in our area know that sandbagging and emergency measures are not a permanent solution for this metro and place our citizens at risk.

I was in the room with former Mayor Denny Walaker when a mass evacuation of our city was encouraged. Being in those situations, and seeing just how close we came to utter devastation, I cannot accept maintaining the status quo. It is not feasible and, in fact, is entirely illogical. The people of this region deserve and demand a lasting solution.

As leaders tasked with protecting Fargo-Moorhead and its residents, we remain steadfastly committed to the F-M Diversion Project and to attaining real flood protection. Moving forward, we will continue working closely with our partners–the City of Moorhead and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–on this project.

Doing nothing is an unacceptable option. We will not entrust the safety of our residents and our billions of dollars in property to sandbagging and temporary protection efforts. We require a better barrier than plastic between us and a rising river.

We need the Diversion and look forward to working with Moorhead and the Corps of Engineers to see this project built.

<----- END Statement from Mayor Mahoney ----->

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