A Message from Brandy Pyle, Cass County Commission District #5 Candidate

Letters to Editor
Brandy Pyle Cass County District 5 Candidate
Brandy Pyle

Dear Friends,

Right now, there are many different issues facing our county. Flood protection is the biggest and most controversial issue at the forefront of this race. As a public servant I will work to make responsible decisions for all involved, be accessible to all citizens, and to voice my opinion based the knowledge I have gained and the response of the citizenry. It is going to be a long process to arrive at a final decision on some of the important flood project components. I pray every night for the engineers to find options that will be able to both protect Fargo and not be detrimental to the outer lying areas.

My years of experience as Casselton City auditor will bring a unique point of view to the Commission. I understand the issues that small towns and townships face each year. One of the biggest difficulties in dealing with these issues is the need for communication between all governmental aspects. I am well versed in bringing all necessary parties to the table and helping them communicate on the same level. I have already demonstrated this skill by bringing the Diversion Authority members to meet with the MinnDak Coalition Executive Group. This was vital to movement on the flood protection project.

I am not a candidate with an agenda; I know that it takes a lot of planning, research, and discussion when proposing change in any level of government. There are also Federal Laws, State Century code, and County laws that must be followed. My goal is to make Cass County the envy of the rest of the state with our efficiency, safety, infrastructure, and proactive solutions to issues.

I am excited that Election Day is closing in. My family, campaign team and I have been busy all summer long visiting with every rural community in Cass County. It has been a long, hard, yet fun campaign trail. I am so thankful to those who have contributed to this adventure! I am ready for a victory on Tuesday night!

With that being said, please pass on your recommendation to vote for me. If you have more questions please visit my website or facebook page:


Brandy Pyle
Cass County Commission District #5 Candidate

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