What is the difference between retention, staging and storage?


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Q&A - Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion

There are several similar terms employed by the USACE, Flood Diversion Board of Authority and media that create confusion with terms used by the Red River Basin Commission.

Understanding the differences between the terms being used offers a greater understanding of the potential scope and deficiencies of the proposed Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion.


The term retention or upstream retention is used most often by the Red River Basin Commission (RRBC).

The RRBC has been studying the hydrology of the Red River Valley basin for over 29 years and has a comprehensive understanding of how hydrology and flooding affect the Red River Valley region.

Retention or upstream retention refers to the temporary delay or containment of water in optimal locations along all tributaries and main-stem channels to effectively reduce downstream peak crests and provide additional protection for the entire Red River Valley region.

The RRBC 20 percent reduction analysis indicates that retention or upstream retention on all tributaries and main-stem channels would reduce flood impacts by 18 inches at the Fargo gauge, reduce un-necessary impacts to the natural flood plains around the Fargo Moorhead metro area and provide additional protection benefits to communities downstream of the Fargo Moorhead Metro area.

Basin wide retention or upstream retention proposed by the RRBC can be implemented more quickly, is more cost effective and disperses a potential flood threat over the entire region which in-turn minimizes the concentration of a flood threat in “any one area” where a mitigation structure failure would produce the greatest devastation.


The term staging or upstream staging is used most often by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

Staging or upstream staging refers to water containment immediately adjacent to the proposed Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion where it poses the greatest concentrated flood threat to the metro area.

Staging or upstream staging does not provide basin wide flood protection to the entire Red River Valley region.

Staging or upstream staging does not remove the threat of flooding or flood insurance requirements for residents of the metro area.


The term storage or storage cells is used most often by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

Storage or storage cells refers to water containment structures immediately past the proposed Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion structure.

Storage or storage cells does not provide basin wide flood protection to the entire Red River Valley region.

Storage or storage cells does not remove the threat of flooding or flood insurance requirements for residents of the metro area.

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