Defending Richland and Wilkin counties June 12th, 2014

The PR gang at the Diversion Authority have been turning themselves inside out trying to vilify the benefits of retention. The simple fact is that if upstream retention, as has been laid out by the various publicly funded organizations, had been in place in ’09, the biggest flood in recorded history would have been approximately 3 feet lower.

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Defending Richland and Wilkin counties May 15th, 2014

At no time, has the Diversion Authority been willing to discuss with either group, alternatives that would achieve flood control for Fargo and reduce impacts for those upstream. Whether directed by the Army Corps, or by their own attorneys, their practice of stonewalling those who are being hurt is at best unproductive, and at worst, unethical.

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Cronyism or Just Plain Cuckoo?

When people, such as Darrell Vanyo, become drunk with their power – they begin to believe they are un-accountable to the people, yet profess they are serving the people by providing preferential treatment to one set of people over another. The mere fact that these imbeciles attempt to justify the rightness of their cause is based in the numbers they represent is a fundamental character flaw.

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There’s a NEW COWARD in Town

This is nothing new. This is what we have come to expect from the cowards that are trying to control what you are “allowed” to know about the FM Diversion…, When it comes flooding, natural flood plain development and a pro-diversion message, the alleged private citizen, Fargo leaders and the Diversion Authority are realizing that the horses have long since left barn and they are naive enough think that locking the door “now” will do them any good.

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Defending Richland and Wilkin counties May 1st, 2014

Fargo Diversion Authority leaders claim opposition to their wealth transfer scheme is being orchestrated by a couple of counties that are “insignificantly inconvenienced”. The Diversion Authority’s attacks on the JPA and upstream residents are a sideshow. The JPA is defending the rights of its constituents, and is a model for what government should do.

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MN DNR Letter to Darrell Vanyo Diversion Authority Chair 2014-04-22

The OHB levee is a project component of the F-M Project, without an independent basis for its construction as proposed. In light of the jurisdictional challenges and to protect the integrity of Minnesota’s environmental review process we will consider the OHB levee as a component of the F-M project in the state EIS. Consistent with Minnesota law, MDNR will not be making any final governmental approvals on the F-M project or any component thereof until the state’s EIS process is complete.

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