Fargo Diversion Authority Jumbotron

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on public relations to convince area residents that the diversion, as well as an unneeded dam and reservoir, are a “done deal.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The ethics of the decision to place these communities in personal and financial limbo needs to be questioned. It has become virtually impossible for residents to get appraisals on their homes, let alone sell them.

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Will the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion provide protection from summer flooding and heavy rainfall events?

One of the big misconceptions about flood insurance, said Dave Kyner, a flood insurance specialist with FEMA, is that “people don’t need flood insurance.” “A 60-foot dike can’t protect you if it rains 17 inches on the wrong side of the dike”.

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Red River Diversion Information Guide – What will the Diversion Cost You?

What will the Diversion Cost You? ** SHOCKING TAX ASSESSMENTS ** that officials have kept from property owners. Fargo-Moorhead can be protected without destroying Red River Basin communities. This plan will lead to the destruction of farms, communities and businesses south of the diversion channel, Clay and Cass counties and northern Richland and Wilkin counties. A Dam & Reservoir is not needed!

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Why was a diversion channel, rather than levees or water retention, recommended?

The question as presented, is speculative, leading and incorrect. The original flood reduction proposal located on the Minnesota side of the Red River included a diversion channel as a main feature to convey water from south to north of the metro area. The proposal released in the SDEIS and FEIS utilizes high risk dams, levees […]

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Dean and Paula Swenson Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

I believe that the project, as put forth, is an unsustainable project. I don’t believe that the ACE is capable of either designing, building or maintaining a man built water system that will go over or under 5 different water sheds in a 36 mile man made route around a metro area.

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