USACE Warns ND Diversion is Risky and Rushed
Fargo City Commissioner Tim Mahoney said to get the project approved, and to have it affordable for taxpayers, it looks like a Minnesota diversion should be the local choice.
Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
Fargo City Commissioner Tim Mahoney said to get the project approved, and to have it affordable for taxpayers, it looks like a Minnesota diversion should be the local choice.
Continue Reading$400 million that was negotiated away in 2015-2016 in Fargo’s obsession to qualify for the elusive P3 funding.
Continue Reading“Ultimate Backstop”Assessments To Cover Sales Tax Shortfall (short version) 2:43 sec “Ultimate Backstop”Assessments To Cover Sales Tax Shortfall (long version) 24:47 sec Views: 316 Tweet
Continue ReadingIt’s fair to say that consistent readers of these articles are better informed than many of the diversion decision makers in Fargo.
Continue ReadingThe Governors Task Force was intended to explore potential alternatives and compromise rather than Fargo’s attempt to re-litigate the project that received a Prelimary Injunction.
Continue ReadingContinued from: Part 1 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 2 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 3 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 4 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 5 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE If Fargo-Moorhead were a house with a leaky roof and Fargo had 100 […]
Continue ReadingNot content with what they already have, Oxbow’s lawyer stood up in Federal Court last month and argued that Oxbow is the victim. Apparently the federal injunction that stopped the construction on the ring dike is making it difficult for the private Oxbow Country Club to finish their golf course re-design.
Continue ReadingOxbow, ND Buyouts Greatest to Least – Cited Source: Director of Equalization, Cass County, ND
Continue ReadingAs all things government tend to go, incompetence and greed have driven the cost of the Oxbow project well over budget. As you go to the polls to vote on the sales tax extension, just remember that the financial projections and assurances that this project is fiscally manageable come to you from the same folks who missed the Oxbow project’s costs by half.
Continue ReadingI cannot support a project which clearly violates state law. I will continue to be a voice for the farmers and residents of rural Minnesota and will not let the state of North Dakota run roughshod over our interests. We need a process that follows the law, treats people fairly and looks at all options to provide permanent flood protection to the area while protecting the livelihood and interests of upstream property owners.
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