Fargo Diversion Authority Jumbotron

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on public relations to convince area residents that the diversion, as well as an unneeded dam and reservoir, are a “done deal.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The ethics of the decision to place these communities in personal and financial limbo needs to be questioned. It has become virtually impossible for residents to get appraisals on their homes, let alone sell them.

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Wallace Tintes Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

I am not in favor of this project as it has been written about to date; my reasons are listed below. The damage to cities, farms, roads etc due to such a large wide project. The cost of this project when the federal government is worse than broke. I have no idea on how you expect to find the funds to pay for such a large project.

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