Letter: Re-evaluating the Need for the FM Diversion

Oxbow had already built a dike system after 2009 which would have protected the city to another similar record flood. But instead of pointing this out, the Diversion Authority instead bought out Oxbow’s strong opposition to the diversion project by offering a new golf course, new clubhouse, and additional housing, and cowardly Oxbow leaders took the check and ran.

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Acts of Defiance and Failed Leadership

Willful act or complete incompetence? Instead of respecting FEMA guidance or conveying and insisting that letter content be observed by engineers, the Fargo Diversion Authority defies FEMA warnings regarding encroachment and placed the eastern reach of the new OHB levee directly into the “floodway and adjacent flood plain areas” to accommodate Oxbow golf course features, according Aarron Snyder, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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CASE 0:13-cv-02262-JRT-LIB Document 80

Initial authorization is not the final word on a Corps project. Authorized projects may be modified for a number of reasons including cost changes and design modifications. The Corps may not commence construction on a significant flood control project without both Congressional authorization and a Congressional appropriation(s). Congressional authorization of a flood control project does not guarantee federal funding through a Congressional appropriation.

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