New Lawsuits Filed in FM Diversion Project
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingBAD NEWS for Fargo, ND: Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program could rescind FMDA funding.
Continue ReadingClay County Commissioner Kevin Campbell sells out Minnesotans, welcomes ND flood impacts. Campbell chooses ND land grab development over protecting MN property rights.
Continue ReadingWho needs a pipeline to move oil field benefits from the west? Fargo diversion backers have concocted a scheme to turn the state’s oil and agriculture bounty into a giant ATM machine.
Continue ReadingI am familiar with your letter dated Jan. 14, 2014 to Darrel Vanyo, warning Fargo’s Diversion Authority that this action may violate Minnesota law. After receiving your letter, Fargo-Moorhead’s Diversion Authority concocted an “independent utility” story.
Continue ReadingFargo leaders use poor judgement in wasting tax dollars to develop natural flood plain creating a new FEMA flood risk to the higher ground surrounding it. Floodwalls, Dike and Levees provide a false sense of security because the threat of flooding still exists and will not provide any protection against rainfall event inside the protection area.
Continue ReadingDon’t be misled, the law is clear. Minnesota has the final word on whether the Red River gets a dam. The Army Corps is essentially just Fargo’s paid contractor for this project, in no way exempt from the requirements of Minnesota law.
Continue ReadingResidents of the communities of Bakke, Hickson and Oxbow, North Dakota could face several weeks of adverse conditions surrounded by a man-made lake which could exceed 50 square miles in size.
Continue ReadingNo more “FARGO “FIRST”: Pembina County commissioner Andy Adamson, Jr. accurately sizes up Cass County commissioner Darrell Vanyo and cites “A flood control project of this size should be expanded to provide protection to the entire Red River Valley”.
Continue ReadingIn yet another attempt to do Fargo Dam and FM Diversion damage control, Fargo sacrifices another pawn upon the blade of credibility.
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