Comstock MN Diversion Meeting with Richland Wilkin JPA

From a political standpoint, Fargo’s attempt to move impacts onto property owners outside city limits and away from voting constituency while simultaneously preventing impacted stakeholders from having a non-conflict of interest vote at the table – underscores the greed and corrupt nature of the proposed project at hand.

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Defending Richland and Wilkin counties December 5th, 2013

A large number of those at rest were pioneers who came to the Red River Valley following a dream, the promise of a homestead, and a fresh start at making a future for themselves and their families. Our ancestors in these cemeteries deserve better than being rolled over by the powers and “Big Money” hoping to develop the floodplain south of Fargo. Their final resting places should remain intact and undisturbed so they can truly rest in peace.

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