Richland County Water Resource District letter to Todd Sando, ND State Water Commission

Legal letters


Don Moffet, Chr. (Barney)
Robert Rostad, Vice Chr. (Colfax)
Arv Burvee (Fairmount)
James Haugen (McLeod)
Gary Friskop (Wahpeton)
Monica Zentgraf
(701)642-7773 (Phone)
(701)642-6332 (Fax) (E-mail)
Justin Johnson
(701)642-7835 (Phone)
(701)361-9780 (Ceff) (E-mail)

April 29, 2016

Todd Sando, State Engineer
900 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0850

Re: FM Diversion Project

Dear Mr. Sando:

The Richland County Water Resource Board has received a copy of your March 17,2016 correspondence to Flood Diversion Board of Authority Chairman Darrell Vanyo in regard to the status of the FM Diversion Project. As the Richland County Water Resource Board (RCWRB) understands your letter, the Flood Diversion Board of Authority is in the process of planning and permitting this large scale project and that this proposed project may include more than 10,000 acres of Richland County land.

The Richland County Water Resource Board is in favor of flood protection for Fargo Moorhead; however, we are opposed to the Flood Diversion Board of Authority’s plan as it currently exists. Also, the Board is unclear as to how the Flood Diversion Board of Authority plans to procure property rights in our county if they move forward with the current project. The Board opposes any taking of Richland County property for FM Diversion purposes. The Board requests that the State Engineer provide notice to the RCWRB of any and all proposed construction permit applications to the State Engineer by which the FM Diversion Board of Authority expects to build this project. If any draft applications have already been filed with the State Engineer, please provide our office with a copy of any such applications as soon as possible. We would also appreciate the receipt of copies of any related filings and correspondence between the Flood Diversion Board of Authority and the State Engineer, now and in the future.


Don Moffet
Don Moffet
Richland County Water Resource Board

cc: Darrell Vanyo, Flood Diversion Board of Authority
Cass County Joint Water Resource Board

DOWNLOAD 2016-04-29 RCWRD ltr to Todd Sando, ND SWC

Richland County

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