Clay County Deserves Better Than Kevin Campbell


With the Minnesota Primary right around the corner, residents of Clay county will head to the polls to cast their vote on several candidates from the national to local level.

Clay County District 4 is up for grabs and it’s time for a change.

Kevin Campbell has served as Clay County commissioner since January 2003. Four long terms of dogma with nearly half of those years working to support the Fargo Diversion – against the state of Minnesota and Clay county property interests.

Recently, the Home Builders Association endorsed Kevin Campbell stating …a vote for Campbell is a vote for the building industry…. It’s an un-remarkable endorsement because Kevin Campbell has been playing his part to ensure Fargo’s economic development as Agency Director for the GFMEDC (Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation).

This is the “good old boy network”.

The GFMEDC website indicates that Jeffry Volk, President & CEO of Moore Engineering is the Chair of the GFMEDC. The very same person that has made millions off the taxpayer and stated on June 14, 2009: “If the challenge is we have to convince everyone in that community, it’s impossible. They need to be leaders. They need to be able to stand up and say I believe this project will not harm us, and say it with authority,”

Perhaps this explains Kevin Campbell’s blind faith in this 2014 interview:

Clay County residents deserve much more than a mindless diversion authority drone. The quintessential “yes-man” that helped create a $644.4 million dollar taxpayer liability for the metro area while simultaneously ushering away Moorhead’s future economic development to Fargo.

I personally approached Kevin Campbell in 2010 after the impacts of the FM diversion were shifted upstream to inquire how upstream property owners would have a seat and voice at the table.

Kevin Campbell’s response; “…there is a financial buy-in…, a commitment to sit at the table and participate…, the existing members have a considerable investment of time and money…” and then he walked away.

The temerity to force a non-authorized plan, which did not have voter consent, onto property owners and then tell them it’s going to cost money to sit at the table – is the real side of Kevin Campbell’s hot-headed heavy handed politics.

A recent Fargo Forum and WDAY news story touched on controversy involving Campbell’s girlfriend being arrested and charged with assaulting two Moorhead police officers after entering a north Moorhead bar and shouting obscenities at her ex-husband and one of Campbell’s challengers who is currently a Moorhead City councilwoman. Does Kevin and his entourage really believe they are above the law and worthy of some social pass?

Moorhead dispatch records contain more than one instance of civil disturbance calls to addresses involving Campbell and his ilk.

Also included in the Fargo Forum article is Kevin Campbell’s “no-show” at the candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Red River Valley at Moorhead Public Library.

Campbell claimed that: “he first heard about the candidate forum late Sunday”. However, all candidates were invited to participate weeks earlier on July 24, 2018. “HE KNEW” Doesn’t Campbell understand that voters are smart enough to see through the feeble misdirection?

The League of Women Voters of the Red River Valley also publicly posted the candidates forum on August 3, 2018. Wouldn’t a candidate that is seeking office do their homework to find opportunities to meet with voters and hear their concerns – instead of nonchalantly telling them to look at his facebook page to view his list of accomplishments? The 19th Amendment was introduced to Congress in 1918 – 100 years ago. Women fought hard for the right to vote and deserve the respect and courtesy for the open forum they created.

On another note, Kevin Campbell listed a Karaoke System for sale via Faceboook on Man Cave Rummage Sale ND/MN.

I wonder what he means by “I have the music if u have a laptop”…?

I certainly hope that this Clay County Commissioner candidate isn’t suggesting that he would openly participate in Copyright infringement.

Which is, in a nutshell, the transferring or digitally distributing of karaoke songs without the right or licence to do so.

Nahh…, Kevin Campbell would never risk statutory damages as high as $150,000 per act of willful infringement.

One way or another, Clay County deserves a better Clay County Commissioner than Kevin Campbell.

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