Why is the North Dakota diversion channel the selected plan, when the Minnesota diversion channel would have been cheaper?

<<< Return to FAQs >>> Fargo and Cass County ND officials, influenced the Diversion Board of Authority to adopt a ND based diversion despite the more cost effective alternatives presented by the USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers). Fargo and Cass County ND officials, collaborated with key influential players and developers to foster the […]

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How does the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion violate Executive Order 11988?

<<< Return to FAQs >>> EO-11988: Federal agencies are required to avoid to the extent possible the long and short term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. The USACE and the non-federal sponsor of Fargo […]

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Is the real, hidden purpose for the staging area to serve as a water supply for Fargo?

The factual project purpose, as illustrated by the Corps of Engineers in its reports, is to develop a project that will accommodate the city of Fargo’s current future plans of development. Which is illustrated in Value Engineering Study 1 and Value Engineering Study 2 and both directly and in-directly violates Executive Order 11988.

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What is the anticipated annual operation and maintenance cost of the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion?

The United States Army Corps of Engineers indicates an annual operation and maintenance cost of $3,631,000 in 2011 dollars, Using 2011 as the benchmark year and the preceding decades inflation rate, the “estimated” annual operation and maintenance costs are as follows: year 2022 – $4,438,122.57

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Is it true that property in the proposed buyout area has no value and cannot be sold?

Each property has value and that value shall be determined as though no project were considered. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the government to provide just compensation to the owner of the private property to be taken. What is unique about the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion is the unjust relocation of the natural floodplain, in violation of Executive Order 11988, causing new potential flood impacts onto property owners, many of whom, that derive their lively-hood from the land being force-ably taken.

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Does the Fargo Moorhead Diversion and Dam violate Executive Order 11988?

The USACE and Fargo have not exercised due care in performing their duties pursuant to Executive Order 11988. Viable alternatives exist, however, have been procedure-ally disregarded. The current LPP calls for willful destructive development of the natural flood plains both south and north of Fargo for future economic development.

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Why was the current alignment selected?

The current alignment was selected by the non-federal project sponsor to protect Fargo’s future development interests. The design intent was to benefit as much existing development as possible, without respect to Executive Order 11988. Land developers south of Fargo, to be named later, will realize exponential financial benefit as a result of their lobbying efforts of County, City and Corps officials.

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