Part 6: Exposing Fargo Moorhead (FMDA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

Continued from: Part 1 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 2 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 3 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 4 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE Part 5 – Exposing the FMDA and USACE If Fargo-Moorhead were a house with a leaky roof and Fargo had 100 […]

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Craig Hertsgaard MNDak Testimony to North Dakota Legislative Budget Section

This is a federal project designed to have federal participation, but the federal government has no money. The continuing budget resolution funding the government in Washington has had a ban on new project construction funding for the last four years, with no end in sight. If you read the letter to the White House from the Minnesota governor, you’ll see he is requesting that no money or support be given to the diversion project, at least until the DNR is done with their study.

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Wild Rice Alternative

Project Failure: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fails to explore options and alternative that DO NOT promote encroachment and urban sprawl into the last natural flood plain south of Fargo, ND in direct and indirect violation of Executive Order 11988 (EO11988). More to the point, the limited alternatives explored are concentric to the “exploitation for urban sprawl” into the last natural flood plain south of Fargo, ND.

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Defending Richland and Wilkin counties January 23rd, 2014

The diversion could be moved north of the confluence of the Wild Rice and Red Rivers. Recent studies show that taking less area out of the floodplain south of Fargo and reducing the amount of water in the river during times of flooding through distributed storage (water detention) would completely eliminate impacts of Fargo’s diversion in Richland and Wilkin counties.

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Fargo’s Diversion Immoral, A Better Path Forward

The present plan is unreasonable, immoral and will ultimately be found to be unlawful. Fargo’s present leaders seek Fargo’s own future interests and future growth without regard for, and at the expense of, the rights and property of its neighbors. Fargo leaders fail and will be remembered, not for having brought permanent flood protection to Fargo, but by their arrogance and unreasonableness, for having failed at a staggering cost.

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