Whitney’s Witless Water Whining

Think about this…, the Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Authority and the USACE intentionally downgraded the 2009 flood crisis to a 50 year flood event, which would make a 100 year flood event seem even more dangerous and unrealistic, then project proponents try to invent a theoretical “what if” crisis 5 times larger than the 100 year flood event they claim has not yet occurred to justify their agenda.

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Disinformation from Fargo Diversion Authority Chairman Darrell Vanyo

Yes Darrell, why did pro-diversion ilk pump $168+ million into the dam and diversion, $60+ million into Oxbow, $10.5 million into the Oxbow clubhouse…, without turning a shovel of dirt for the diversion channel and simultaneously redirecting funding away from permanent internal flood protection, that could protect the city that exists from the “next flood” that those impatient North Dakota officials want?

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