It would cost less to pay the insurance than build the diversion.

Karl Abrahamson, Fargo, wrote a poignant letter to the editor that appeared in the Fargo Forum and here at Karl Abrahamson, Fargo “If the 5,000 properties being included in the new Fargo flood plain were forced to pay the $2,500 annual premium for flood insurance, it would take 240 years to spend as much […]

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Early Chatter: “Isaac” Greatest Threat “Heavy Rains”

Watching The Weather Channel intently as “Isaac” heads toward New Orleans within days of Hurricane Katrina’s anniversary prods considerable thought. $14.5 billion additional dollars spent to update aging flood mitigation that at its inception was “designed” to provide adequate prevention from storm surge, swells and tidal flooding. Curiously, a similar concern to the Fargo Moorhead […]

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Fargo Diversion Authority Jumbotron

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on public relations to convince area residents that the diversion, as well as an unneeded dam and reservoir, are a “done deal.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The ethics of the decision to place these communities in personal and financial limbo needs to be questioned. It has become virtually impossible for residents to get appraisals on their homes, let alone sell them.

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Sen. Hoeven responds to Defending Richland and Wilkin Counties

Sen. Hoeven responds to concerns John Hoeven, U.S. Senator I want to respond to some concerns raised by Richland County Commissioner Perry Miller in a letter regarding flood protection legislation that I worked to pass in the U.S. Senate and am now working with Congressman Berg to get passed in the U.S. House of Representatives. […]

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Defending Richland and Wilkin counties August 9th, 2012

The Richland Wilkin JPA took another step and authorized lawyers to commence a judicial challenge to Fargo’s plan. The very same lawyers who were described to us by Congressman Colin Peterson as: “the best in the state.” Our leaders, the Commissioners of Richland and Wilkin Counties, have committed to defend our communities with all appropriate legal action.

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