New Lawsuits Filed in FM Diversion Project
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingMinnesota will ask the court to prohibit construction of the dam and diversion channel because the Minnesota has not issued the necessary permits.
Continue ReadingWouldn’t it be nice to have Dayton ask where all the displaced water goes? Or perhaps Gov. Dayton is wise enough to know that Minnesota has been relinquishing land to Fargo development – inch by inch for decades.
Continue ReadingNorth Dakota shouldn’t get trapped in a spiral of spending and litigation for a project that is opposed by a large number of its own residents and its neighbors. Fargo must live by the rules they asked for in the last session.
Continue ReadingInitial authorization is not the final word on a Corps project. Authorized projects may be modified for a number of reasons including cost changes and design modifications. The Corps may not commence construction on a significant flood control project without both Congressional authorization and a Congressional appropriation(s). Congressional authorization of a flood control project does not guarantee federal funding through a Congressional appropriation.
Continue ReadingNathan J. Hartshorn, MN Assistant Attorney General: The Project would flood thousands of acres of Minnesota farmland in order to expand development opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area. The Project also would require construction of a high-hazard dam on the Red River, upstream of Minnesota communities. This high hazard dam requires MDNR dam safety and work in public waters permits, and triggered a mandatory Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under Minnesota law.
Continue ReadingNathan J. Hartshorn, MN Assistant Attorney General: MDNR has a significant interest in this matter because the Fargo-Moorhead Flood Diversion Board of Authority (“Diversion Authority”) asserts that the proposed Fargo-Moorhead flood diversion project (“Project”) is not subject to State regulation. The Project would flood tens of thousands of acres of Minnesota farmland in order to expand development opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area.
Continue ReadingAt no time, has the Diversion Authority been willing to discuss with either group, alternatives that would achieve flood control for Fargo and reduce impacts for those upstream. Whether directed by the Army Corps, or by their own attorneys, their practice of stonewalling those who are being hurt is at best unproductive, and at worst, unethical.
Continue ReadingUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA Richland/Wilkin Joint Powers Authority, a Minnesota-North Dakota Joint Powers Authority, Plaintiff, Civil Action No. 13-CF-02262 vs. . . United States Army Corps of Engineers; John McHugh, Secretary of the US Army Corps of Engineers (in his official capacity); Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works […]
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