Letter: Re-evaluating the Need for the FM Diversion

Oxbow had already built a dike system after 2009 which would have protected the city to another similar record flood. But instead of pointing this out, the Diversion Authority instead bought out Oxbow’s strong opposition to the diversion project by offering a new golf course, new clubhouse, and additional housing, and cowardly Oxbow leaders took the check and ran.

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Craig Hertsgaard MNDak Testimony to North Dakota Legislative Budget Section

This is a federal project designed to have federal participation, but the federal government has no money. The continuing budget resolution funding the government in Washington has had a ban on new project construction funding for the last four years, with no end in sight. If you read the letter to the White House from the Minnesota governor, you’ll see he is requesting that no money or support be given to the diversion project, at least until the DNR is done with their study.

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