Red River Diversion Information Guide – What will the Diversion Cost You?

What will the Diversion Cost You? ** SHOCKING TAX ASSESSMENTS ** that officials have kept from property owners. Fargo-Moorhead can be protected without destroying Red River Basin communities. This plan will lead to the destruction of farms, communities and businesses south of the diversion channel, Clay and Cass counties and northern Richland and Wilkin counties. A Dam & Reservoir is not needed!

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Defending Richland and Wilkin Counties: Gallery

Fargo media minimizes, ignores and refuses to cover information unfriendly to Fargo plans to dam and divert the Red and Wild Rice rivers. The Daily News of Wahpeton and Breckenridge and its editorial team have generously offered a weekly column: “Defending Richland and Wilkin.” The purpose of these articles is to present the true facts […]

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Richland Wilkin JPA (Joint Powers Agreement)

The Richland Wilkin JPA was formed in opposition to the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion, wherein, Fargo, Cass County and the USACE propose to physically invade Richland and Wilkin counties with displaced flood water, in violation of EO 11988 from the natural flood plain adjacent to Fargo, ND. The Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion will unconstitutionally deprive property owners of all “economically viable” use of the land.

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Does the Fargo Moorhead Diversion and Dam violate Executive Order 11988?

The USACE and Fargo have not exercised due care in performing their duties pursuant to Executive Order 11988. Viable alternatives exist, however, have been procedure-ally disregarded. The current LPP calls for willful destructive development of the natural flood plains both south and north of Fargo for future economic development.

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EO 11988 Fargo’s Future Flood Plain Development

This picture is taken from the WildRice River bridge on Cass 16 looking Northwest towards St Benedict, ND. The proposed LPP for Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management will remove 69.8 square miles of natural flood plain protection for the region and cause impacts to outlying areas. The proposed Fargo Dam and Diversion will wipe-out […]

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