Curt Bjertness Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

The current alignment of the proposed diversion and water staging is such that it protects a growth area of Fargo that is currently a natural waterway for overland flooding during most flood events. The sacrifices that the upstream communities are being told to endure are immense. The proposal to protect that area for development and push that water onto areas that historically have not had flooding is not only arrogant and unethical but should be illegal.

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ND Governor Jack Dalrymple Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

This plan, which was proposed by Fargo and Cass County officials, would not only affect stakeholders in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area, but would also affect upstream and downstream stakeholders as well. To ensure the incerests of all stakeholders are considered, I request that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers carefully consider all comments submitted regarding the FEIS when selecting and implementing a final flood protection plan for the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan area.

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ND State Senator Larry Luick Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

This correspondence is in regard to the proposed diversion and dam in the Fargo, ND area. From the plans that I have seen, this is way oversized, overpriced, and only assists the Fargo/West Fargo/Moorhead communities. But to decide that this community has more “rights” than the communities that will be effected by this proposed structure is wrong, very wrong. Don’t let this go through until there is a plan to help upstream and downstream areas and communities.

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Rhoda K. and Martin B. Ueland Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

Fargo refuses to deal internally to solve their personal long-term flooding issues. “Let’s destroy others to protect ourselves” is basically the Local Sponsors motto, as acknowledged by the Army COE. Aaron Snyder of the US Army COE, St. Paul, Mn District, has stated the Army COE “likes big projects”. Apparently the reason that the only method they are willing to consider is a diversion is that it is the biggest, most expensive option available.

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City of Horace Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

The City of Horace hereby reiterates its vigorous opposition to the proposed North Dakota diversion project for all of the reasons originally advanced in correspondence relating to the “DRAFT FEASIBILITYREPORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT” dated July 26,2010. None of the original issues have been adequately addressed thereafter.

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Ray Holzhey Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

I am writing to you in opposition to the July 2011 FEIS for the Locally Preferred Plan. This plan presents many concerns regarding negative effects on the residents, farmers, and economy of the region. Because my comments for the SDEIS were not adequately addressed I expanding on them for this comment period. This plan has been developed exclusively for the benefit of a small portion of the region and does not include benefits for, nor does it consider the economic impacts to not only the local region but to the whole Red River valley.

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Wayne Hoglund Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

In a period of time when the government is very deeply in debt, to spend money for a very complicated and expensive diversion is almost ridiculous; especially when the Army Corps of Engineers declared their first choice as the Minnesota diversion. To choose this expensive, complex Fargo diversion; it seems very logical that it is not the best solution, but a land grab by Fargo…

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Bruce A Hendrickson Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

I am writing in opposition to the April 2011 Locally Preferred Plan (North Dakota Diversion with storage and staging) for flood control in the Red River Valley. I know alternatives do exist that address flooding basin wide. These have not been studied or addressed by the Corp nor have areas affected by the issue been included in the planning stages.

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Court Determines USACE Design Defective

Coffer Dams have been designed and used for centuries. In fact, nearly every structure that crosses water or building that is designed where water intrusion would impede construction utilizes coffer dams for safety and security. On December 20, 2011 the United States Court of Federal Claims, case Martin Construction Co. v. United States, found the […]

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Kindred School District Attorney Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

The District-along with local Townships (who independently maintain zoning control) and other cities in Cass and Richland Counties-were locked out of having any formal place at the table while USACE and local sponsors formulated and planned the flood protection plan.

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