New Lawsuits Filed in FM Diversion Project
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
New Lawsuits Filed for water impacts that reach beyond FM Diversion Project.
Continue ReadingFargo never intended to compromise anything, and were preparing their filings even before the St. Paul meetings began.
Continue ReadingFinally, the Fargo/Moorhead Diversion Authority has admitted that the private property of upstream citizens has been “taken or damaged for public use” as a result of the diversion project. A “taking” occurs when a government action impairs or damages the private property of a citizen. In this situation a “taking” has occurred because the proposed […]
Continue ReadingEditors notes: Ran across this article some time ago and there are similarities that exist as they pertain to the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion. Fargo’s “virtue of selfishness” is evident in their procedural land grab for future development with the assistance of the USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers). America was founded on […]
Continue ReadingMitigation of the impacts related to the Fargo Dam and Diversion are determined by various means depending on where the impacts are located and the amount of impacts imposed. “Takings” are the methodology for determining mitigation of impacts to those areas outside of the designated staging area. From the DEIS July 2011, Comments and Response Appendix […]
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