MNDak Fundraiser 2020

The next five months will be the most expensive stage of our legal fight. Expert witnesses, essential to pierce the false narratives being pushed by Fargo, have been retained to testify. These witnesses are necessary to show Fargo rejected better, cost effective flood protection plans in order to promote commercial development of the flood plains north and south of the FM Metro.

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FM Diversion Cost October 2019

Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Costs as of October 31, 2019

Fargo Diversion Authority increased contracts by $ 166,460,943.96 from January 1, 2019 to July 31, 2019. Still, NO congressional funding, now topping 37 percent of the original projected cost. The Fargo Diversion Authority has pumped over $130 million into OHB ring-dike-levee and private country club ($32.05 million), which provides ZERO FLOOD PROTECTION BENEFIT TO FARGO, all courtesy of state and local taxpayers. With unfinished internal flood protection projects the Fargo Diversion Authority continues to pump millions into the non-flood prone OHB ring-dike-levee and private Oxbow Country Club, courtesy of state and local taxpayers.

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FM Diversion Cost July 2019

Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Costs as of July 31, 2019

Fargo Diversion Authority increased contracts by $ 95,908,149.51 from January 31, 2019 to July 31, 2019. Still, NO congressional funding, now topping 30 percent of the original projected cost. The Fargo Diversion Authority has pumped over $130 million into OHB ring-dike-levee and private country club ($32.05 million), which provides ZERO FLOOD PROTECTION BENEFIT TO FARGO, all courtesy of state and local taxpayers. With unfinished internal flood protection projects the Fargo Diversion Authority continues to pump millions into the non-flood prone OHB ring-dike-levee and private Oxbow Country Club, courtesy of state and local taxpayers.

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Fargo Diversion Cost May 2019

Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Costs as of April 30, 2019

Fargo Diversion Authority increased contracts by $ 2,066,548.20 from March, 2019 to April 30, 2019. The Fargo Diversion Authority has pumped over $130 million into OHB ring-dike-levee and private country club ($32.05 million), which provides ZERO FLOOD PROTECTION BENEFIT TO FARGO, all courtesy of state and local taxpayers. With unfinished internal flood protection projects the Fargo Diversion Authority continues to pump millions into the non-flood prone OHB ring-dike-levee and private Oxbow Country Club, courtesy of state and local taxpayers.

The preliminary injunction remains in place against the project with 5 limited actions allowed in 2019. The contested case filed by the Buffalo Red River Watershed District, City of Comstock Minnesota, City of Wolverton Minnesota and the Richland Wilkin Joint Powers Autority renders the MN DNR Conditional Permit invalid under Minnesota Statutes Section 103G.311. “Upon the filing of a valid contested case hearing, the order issuing the permit is no longer final, and the permit is put into abeyance and ceases to be valid – MN DNR”

Imperial Fargo – Imperial Cass continue to mire taxpayer into debt that may cripple the regional economy and expect a P3 funding source to bail them out.

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Fargo Diversion Cost April 2019

Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Costs as of March 31, 2019

Fargo Diversion Authority increased contracts by $ 1,002,159.03 from February, 2019 to March 31, 2019. The Fargo Diversion Authority has pumped over $130 million into OHB ring-dike-levee and private country club ($32.05 million), which provides ZERO FLOOD PROTECTION BENEFIT TO FARGO, all courtesy of state and local taxpayers. With unfinished internal flood protection projects the Fargo Diversion Authority continues to pump millions into the non-flood prone OHB ring-dike-levee and private Oxbow Country Club, courtesy of state and local taxpayers.

The preliminary injunction remains in place against the project with 5 limited actions allowed in 2019. The contested case filed by the Buffalo Red River Watershed District, City of Comstock Minnesota, City of Wolverton Minnesota and the Richland Wilkin Joint Powers Autority renders the MN DNR Conditional Permit invalid under Minnesota Statutes Section 103G.311. “Upon the filing of a valid contested case hearing, the order issuing the permit is no longer final, and the permit is put into abeyance and ceases to be valid – MN DNR”

Imperial Fargo – Imperial Cass continue to mire taxpayer into debt that may cripple the regional economy and expect a P3 funding source to bail them out.

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Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Costs as of February 28, 2019

Fargo Diversion Authority spent over $1.1 million per day from January 31, 2019 to February 28, 2019. Over 30 percent of the original projected cost. There is a preliminary injunction against the project. There is no permit to commence construction. Imperial Fargo – Imperial Cass continue to mire taxpayer into debt that may cripple the regional economy and expect a P3 funding source to bail them out.

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Deny Motion to Lift Injunction Against FMDA Project


Once a contested case hearing was requested, the Permit was no longer valid. Deny Motion to Lift Injunction Against FMDA Project: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison requests that US District Court MN deny Fargo Moorhead Diversion Authority and USACE motions to modify its September 7, 2017, Order granting the preliminary injunction, or, in the alternative, modify the injunction to incorporate the conditions and requirements of the DNR’s permit until resolution of the contested case.

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