MN Gov Mark Dayton Expresses Strong Concerns About Fargo Diversion Authority Project

The Diversion Authority began construction of the Oxbow-Hickson-Bakke ring levee (Ring Levee) in North Dakota this past June. Given that land’s elevation, it is highly unlikely that this levee has independent utility separate from construction of the overall Project. Thus, construction of the Ring Levee, prior to completion of Minnesota’s EIS, violates our state’s law. Given the express commitments made by the Corps to Minnesota during the federal environmental review process and in the Chiefs Report, it is unacceptable that federal funding should be appropriated for the Fargo-Moorhead Project, or that construction should be allowed to begin prior to completion of Minnesota’s environmental review.

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Paul Marquart Questions Fargo Diversion Authority

The lowest existing ground level in the new portion of Oxbow, ND requires a 22.5 foot high levee because it is 10 feet lower than the lowest residential property along Schnell drive in Oxbow, ND. However, the FEMA regulatory flood plain indicates the lowest existing properties along Schnell drive are only 10.8 inches below the FEMA regulatory 100 year flood plain.

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