Diversion’s “transparency” as Clear as Red River Mud

by author: Greg Anderson, Oxbow, N.D. When the Fargo-Moorhead diversion project was first proposed, the city of Oxbow, N.D., asked how the community would be affected. We were told that the project would neither help nor harm us. In subsequent discussions, after it had become clear that the project would not live up to those assurances, […]

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EO 11988 Fargo’s Future Flood Plain Development

This picture is taken from the WildRice River bridge on Cass 16 looking Northwest towards St Benedict, ND. The proposed LPP for Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management will remove 69.8 square miles of natural flood plain protection for the region and cause impacts to outlying areas. The proposed Fargo Dam and Diversion will wipe-out […]

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