FM Dam and Diversion Hardship Policy Needs and Suggestions

Hardship Policy Mitigation Buyout Submission Form: is providing this form to communicate specific Hardship Concerns and Suggestions to CH2M Hill, the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Metro Diversion Project manager – Tom Waters. You are encouraged to share how the proposed project negatively affects you, your property, your financial situation and overall well being.

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Matt Askegaard Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

Sometimes the needs of the few outweigh the perceived needs of the many. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is not onboard with the proposed project because it negatively impacts the environment of the state of Minnesota. The city of Fargo has made the choice to build in a flood plain. Why should their decision to do so negatively impact the surrounding farms and communities?

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Submit a Tip About Government Waste

In three short years, the Fargo Moorhead Dam and FM Diversion nearly doubled in cost from $900 million to $2.04 billion. The USACE intentionally compartmentalizes projects to keep concerned taxpayers out of sync with the process to remain unfettered and unaccountable. Fargo, ND and Moorhead, MN along with Cass and Clay counties are placing impracticality […]

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Dave Gingrey Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

The diversion should be constructed within the city limits of Fargo. It is unethical to expect county residents outside the City of Fargo to sacrifice their property and livelihoods for the benefit of Fargo and it is unethical for the Army Corps of Engineers to be part of any such plan.

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Diversion’s Engineering Depends on the Nature of Flood Threat

Rodger Olsen and Kevin Campbell, who serve on the public outreach committee of the Flood Diversion Authority, submitted a joint letter to the Fargo Forum. The back peddling being done by diversion officials over the 500 year vs 100 year flood levels is rather entertaining. Early on, the USACE offered up viable solutions to address […]

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Mary K. Adams Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

In an era of rapidly growing world population, demand for food will remain paramount. Rich farmland is a premium investment and is being sought and bought allover the world. So for me the question remains, is the diversion, as proposed, an undertaking for the economic development of south Fargo, or is it purely for flood protection?

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Fargo’s Diversion Immoral, A Better Path Forward

The present plan is unreasonable, immoral and will ultimately be found to be unlawful. Fargo’s present leaders seek Fargo’s own future interests and future growth without regard for, and at the expense of, the rights and property of its neighbors. Fargo leaders fail and will be remembered, not for having brought permanent flood protection to Fargo, but by their arrogance and unreasonableness, for having failed at a staggering cost.

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If the North Dakota (LPP) removes additional land from the natural flood plain compared to the Minnesota (FCP) why is the USACE relying on Executive Order 11988 as an excuse to not consider the southern and western alignments?

<<< Return to FAQs >>> The USACE inconsistently applied EO 11988 as a result of “goal driven” findings pursuant to criteria set by the non-federal sponsor of Fargo, ND and Moorhead, MN. The current LPP ignores EO-11988 and relocates over 30+ square miles of natural flood plain for future development that benefits Fargo, ND while […]

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