WARNING: Fargo Dam and FM Diversion Authority
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Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
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Continue ReadingThe law protects you – you have allies in the MnDak Upstream Coalition and the Richland Wilkin Joint Powers Authority
Continue ReadingThe Federal government is more than broke. It’s that fiscal cliff thing. Would legislators rather replace the paper on the machine, or pick up the I O U’s if costs skyrocket?
Continue ReadingWe call. “Put Your Cards on the Table” What do you have Fargo leaders?
Continue ReadingThe double cross has become “part of the process” for the Diversion Authority and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: “To betray by acting in contradiction to a prior agreement.”
Continue ReadingEach property has value and that value shall be determined as though no project were considered. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the government to provide just compensation to the owner of the private property to be taken. What is unique about the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion is the unjust relocation of the natural floodplain, in violation of Executive Order 11988, causing new potential flood impacts onto property owners, many of whom, that derive their lively-hood from the land being force-ably taken.
Continue ReadingThis is a forced relocation of “several hundreds or thousands” of people. When I asked the panel about giving up our land, homes, everything in exchange for land for Fargo to develop, Dr. Mahoney responded that Fargo had given up many homes for flood protection. So, Dr. Mahoney, the process is that we give up our homes so your homes (and homes that haven’t even been built yet) don’t flood?
Continue ReadingI am writing to you in opposition to the July 2011 FEIS for the Locally Preferred Plan. This plan presents many concerns regarding negative effects on the residents, farmers, and economy of the region. Because my comments for the SDEIS were not adequately addressed I expanding on them for this comment period. This plan has been developed exclusively for the benefit of a small portion of the region and does not include benefits for, nor does it consider the economic impacts to not only the local region but to the whole Red River valley.
Continue ReadingIn a period of time when the government is very deeply in debt, to spend money for a very complicated and expensive diversion is almost ridiculous; especially when the Army Corps of Engineers declared their first choice as the Minnesota diversion. To choose this expensive, complex Fargo diversion; it seems very logical that it is not the best solution, but a land grab by Fargo…
Continue ReadingEditors notes: Ran across this article some time ago and there are similarities that exist as they pertain to the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion. Fargo’s “virtue of selfishness” is evident in their procedural land grab for future development with the assistance of the USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers). America was founded on […]
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