How high would the water be in a 500 year flood event?

<<< Return to FAQs >>> The USACE indicates a variety of 500 year flood levels in the FEIS and supporting documentation, without embracing any specific 500 year flood level as an absolute. Craig O. Evans, P.E. Chief, Plan Formulation Section, attributes the disparity as “…not an inconsistency, but rather an outcome of the uncertainty analysis.” There […]

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Diversion’s Engineering Depends on the Nature of Flood Threat

Rodger Olsen and Kevin Campbell, who serve on the public outreach committee of the Flood Diversion Authority, submitted a joint letter to the Fargo Forum. The back peddling being done by diversion officials over the 500 year vs 100 year flood levels is rather entertaining. Early on, the USACE offered up viable solutions to address […]

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Douglas Christianson Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

Minot flooded and Fargo took that ball and ran. Saying look what could happen. Fargo hasn’t had a 100 year flood yet but now they want to be protected to 500 year, do they even know what number a 500 year flood is. Moorhead has been doing a good job of protecting themselves. Fargo is working on it and maybe have most done before this project can even get started. I hope they weren’t just looking at it as a stimulus project to create a lot of jobs to help the economy.

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Unequal Protection

Fargo has found a way, with the help of the Corps. By protecting the “natural flood plain” and moving the water south to flood their neighbors, they will have created an area for growth. Their problem is now to make everyone believe their ”flood control plan” is the only way Fargo can have “flood protection” and hide the fact it is crafted to provide for Fargo’s future growth, in reality an economic development based plan.

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Ray Holzhey Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

I am writing to you in opposition to the July 2011 FEIS for the Locally Preferred Plan. This plan presents many concerns regarding negative effects on the residents, farmers, and economy of the region. Because my comments for the SDEIS were not adequately addressed I expanding on them for this comment period. This plan has been developed exclusively for the benefit of a small portion of the region and does not include benefits for, nor does it consider the economic impacts to not only the local region but to the whole Red River valley.

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