Will not help pay for Fargo’s ‘dam’
Why would farmers, homeowners and rural residents threatened to be flooded by the Fargo dam (called a diversion) wish to pay a Fargo sales tax to hasten their own destruction?
Continue ReadingFargo Moorhead Diversion Authority Monitor | An Independent News Organization
Why would farmers, homeowners and rural residents threatened to be flooded by the Fargo dam (called a diversion) wish to pay a Fargo sales tax to hasten their own destruction?
Continue ReadingThe United States Army Corps of Engineers indicates an annual operation and maintenance cost of $3,631,000 in 2011 dollars, Using 2011 as the benchmark year and the preceding decades inflation rate, the “estimated” annual operation and maintenance costs are as follows: year 2022 – $4,438,122.57
Continue ReadingThe Army Corps has a history of not being accurate in their predictions. Several articles have been written verifying the Corps mistakes in mismanagement. The daily news detailed ineptness of the Corps management with regards to the Missouri River issues. The Army Corps knew they were going to use the upstream route prior to the Cass County sales tax vote. Our neighbor was approached by a Corps engineer about farm buyout costs in October 2010. Why was this hidden from the taxpayers until after the vote for the sales tax took place?Mike and Cindy Zick Comments to the USACE re: Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion
Continue ReadingEach property has value and that value shall be determined as though no project were considered. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the government to provide just compensation to the owner of the private property to be taken. What is unique about the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion is the unjust relocation of the natural floodplain, in violation of Executive Order 11988, causing new potential flood impacts onto property owners, many of whom, that derive their lively-hood from the land being force-ably taken.
Continue ReadingWhats wrong with Fargo? We do not understand why Fargo thinks they need the CADILLAC plan designed for a 500 yr flood event. But this ridiculous plan to install a dam on the Red River and flood all the communities, residences, and farms upstream because they are greedy and want to reserve future developments in south Fargo.
Continue ReadingThis is a forced relocation of “several hundreds or thousands” of people. When I asked the panel about giving up our land, homes, everything in exchange for land for Fargo to develop, Dr. Mahoney responded that Fargo had given up many homes for flood protection. So, Dr. Mahoney, the process is that we give up our homes so your homes (and homes that haven’t even been built yet) don’t flood?
Continue ReadingThe USACE and Fargo have not exercised due care in performing their duties pursuant to Executive Order 11988. Viable alternatives exist, however, have been procedure-ally disregarded. The current LPP calls for willful destructive development of the natural flood plains both south and north of Fargo for future economic development.
Continue ReadingI am writing you today to inform you of my opposition to the North Dakota Alignment commonly referred to as the Locally Preferred Plan (LPP). I cannot support a plan which is not economically viable or needed and does a grave injustice to not only the communities and farms in the proposed water staging area but also the entire Red River Basin. By choosing the LPP, you are doing a grave injustice for not only the citizens of my hometown and its surrounding communities, but also for the nation.
Continue ReadingThe current alignment was selected by the non-federal project sponsor to protect Fargo’s future development interests. The design intent was to benefit as much existing development as possible, without respect to Executive Order 11988. Land developers south of Fargo, to be named later, will realize exponential financial benefit as a result of their lobbying efforts of County, City and Corps officials.
Continue ReadingThe problem is not the water, it is the greed of developers and Fargo city officials that encouraged new neighborhoods near the river, or in flood prone low lying areas. I am serious when I ask “Just what are we thinking?” First of all our community has dealt with a number of floods in the past few years. We do know the high water mark. Finish the “buy outs” necessary, and learn from those mistakes.
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